
Monday, May 17, 2010

A day for Yard Work

Well it's that time plant my flowers.  I finally went on Saturday, the three of us went, and Nate finally saw what I spend on flowers... a LOT!~  I needed to get them planted and I did really buy a lot this year that ALL go in my FRONT flat.  I packed that baby in so I can't wait to see when they really bloom!  Last year I went with some sweet potato plants as accents, but Nate said he didn't like that.  So this year I went with some asparagus fern, some coleus, and some vinca vine....along with my vinca flowers and of course the spikes.....So we came home, unloaded the truck, put Grey down for a nap, and Nate and I headed out to do yard work

Here's my pretty flowers before I planted them.....I was trying to blur the background...

Nate put mulch all around our bushes and stuff in the backyard

Just some pics of our big backyard.....I really do love our backyard...we lucked out with's big and so GREEN right now....

and while Nate was doing that I got my gloves on and started planting my flowers....I was hunched over like this for a while so needless to say my back was really hurting me Saturday night

Trying to "blur" the photo again in the back...but here is my front flat after I finished

Then, this little man came roaring over the monitor, and luckily I was done with my planting or I would have had one muddy toddler to clean up as well

Then it was time for daddy to sit back and have a cold one

This was that garden snake we found that made Livy upset

But NOT Grey.....he is soooooooooo BOY!

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