
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Eve/Easter Sunday

It has become a tradition that we do Easter Eve at grammy Deb's house!  We make margaritas, order from rips and just hang out.  It's always a good time!

The three stunning children that were at the gala

A little play time with Uncle Alex

Of course, everyone loves the golf cart so we had to pull it out

Grey wanted to drive it all by himself

Apparently Grey made me laugh

Me and Mims

These were my mom took their picture

The hostesses

All the kiddos piling in to take a ride

The Prosinski Gals'

The Easter Bunny brought Auntie Mims a new ride

Papa taking the kids for a ride

Before the "hunting" began

Grey had his Easter basket in hand and was ready to get some eggs

The two pretty girls getting their eggs...

Grey was on a mission like always

Perfect basket for Livy Lou

The Ernat family -1

Grey's basket

He liked the peeps

Then, on Easter morning Grey would NOT part with his Easter basket for anything;;;lol

He had breakfast, he had a tubby, and was ready to go....I just didn't want to put his suit on him until the last minute

It was off to church bright and early but first we had to get the eggs in OUR yard that the easter bunny had left

Then after church it was onto Grammy Ann's for the day

And then this happened........................................................"someone" arrived

spotted him

Grey didn't know what to think so...

he thought he'd start with a friendly wave

Livy and Mary gave the Easter Bunny some love right away...Grey NOT so much

This was Grey's reaction and then it started to rain so we had to go IN!

Grey would NOT take his eyes off the easter bunny...he was watching for him

And then THIS is what happened once the BUNNY!

That special Easter Bunny even came with baskets for everybody but it still didn't matter for Grey

Livy gave a nice big hug

Everybody gave the Easter Bunny some love....see......even Grey there at the bottom...after a while

Grey was more interested in his new caterpillar cell phone

and the finale for Grey was this thing...LOOK OUT!!!

Look at that hair blowin' in the wind!

But after it was all said and done........Grey still wanted to play with Papa Mike's garbage can

And then to end my camera fun we tried to get a NICE family photo....nice being the key word here...1



and 4...........NO SUCH LUCK!!!  At least we tried!

It was a great Easter to say the least!!!


  1. mmmmm, margaritas! shoes were total photo worthy! the easter bunny was cracking me up. my girls would have been flipping out crying. looked like a great weekend! :)

    what is with the one post a page??? mine is doing it too....grrrr.

  2. love this post... A few things to note, loved your outfit, loved grey's easter basket (football that's genious) easter bunnies are scary...was that uncle alex?? AND that new little ride of Grey's is bad ass (can I say that on blogger??) oh well it where did you get your shoes, I love them and want a pair, I may fall on my butt, but they are stylish!!!
    PS the golf cart was pretty cool too! :-)

  3. I know Molly I noticed the one post thing too! D, I got the shoes at Marshall's a couple months ago! And the Easter Bunny was papa Mike! He did a pretty good job! And yes you can say bad ass on blogger (LOL) and the new 4 wheeler is pretty bad ass if I say so myself!!!

  4. there is a marshalls right around the corner from me, I can literally walk, I am gonna check it out, and yes that 4 wheeler is bad ass...I am kinda short i am gonna have to try it out sometime in IL :-) LOL ha!
