
Monday, July 26, 2010

A Day for

getting the kiddos all dolled up, going to the St. Louis Bread Co. for lunch, and doing a little shopping along the way.  The kind of shopping where you have to be sure there is a play area, a potty always close;), and a Claire's nearby!  Oh yes, being the girly girls (minus Grey) that we are, we always like to accesorize and when we have a cute little girl in tow (livy) with us we always like to hit up Claire's.  Right now Livy is really into butterflies, so this particular shopping trip called for a butterfly necklace.  But not just any butterfly necklace, it was a MOOD necklace.  It was cute, every 10 minutes Livy was asking us what mood she was!  And to no was mainly happy and excited!  Jayne was happy being held and just ALL eyes.  And, as for Grey he pretty much destroyed the!  He was grabbing at everything in the store and knocked down a few displays, so I picked my kid up and got the heck out while the rest of the girls continued their shopping.   

Ready here we go...1 - the nose picker in this one...We won't say "who" though!

2...Not looking at the camera, but once again we won't say "who" - it's not nice to point fingers now...

3...slowly fading...and livy with a big ol' piece of gum in her mouth and Jayne not looking...

and 4...."he" was done and trying to get away...Jayne was just staring away...and well Livy still with that big ol' piece of!

Jayne and Livy had matching dresses on this day...they looked pretty stinkin' cute

And then we tried to get pics of just the 3 goes-1


and 3

Jayne girl

Then of course....after a long day of shopping....we came home and it was the same routine everyday....naps for the 2 babies, Livy had a daily "rest" time and then when we were all up-we played....this particular day though we played while grammy Ann made us homemade lasagna-yummm!

Livy and I had just freshened up our lip gloss....

Grey kept trying to sit in Jayne's bumbo.....he would never sit in the one I got for him and now when he's too big he decides he wants to try it out...

Then the girls did hair....which is always fun....a little beauty shop if you will...

Jayne was a big help...

and while the girlies did hair, I took pics, grammy Ann cooked, and Grey..

well he just pranced all around us!

1 comment:

  1. I love these pics Leesh, all you girls are so beautiful and Grey is such a cutie pie. Luv ya cuz. Keep the pics coming
