
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Welcome to Kindergarten

Where toddlers are always welcome especially when they come to "help" or should I say take out what their mommies have put together. 

Well, to start, I kicked off the week with some autism training.  I have to be honest I wasn't looking forward to it, but I am SO glad I went.  We even had some tears with it because of course it was about those special kids that we NEED to know how to handle and make them succeed just how we want our own kids to do.  But, sometimes we need to have a different approach to get them where they need to be.  It was a great workshop and a great refresher for me and it is a vital thing in today's teaching "world"......So much has changed even since I first started teaching and that hasn't been that long and we need to flow right along with the changes so that we keep these kids going in the right direction.  We have a great team to work with at our school as well so that ALL of the things these kids need is available.  That always makes it easier when you have the right "team" and we sure do.  However, being in this class and seeing what kids actually go through along with their parents everyday, just made me come home and squeeze my little one even tighter than I usually do. 

He even "helped" me yesterday - Or should I say - HE. TOOK. IT. ALL. IN.  starting with Karen's office (our secretary who I LOVE) Grey started with her fish tank where he saw FROGS - he was amazed because he doesn't see that in our fish tank at home -hah!  now we will be going out and buying frogs (maybe).  Then he moved onto her coloring books but that brought on some scribbling so we quickly put that away and moved onto my room where Grey had pretty much full range of the place....

He especially liked crawling up on my desk.

where his little hands touched everything he saw

See you NEVER play with scissors...

His little hands could not grab the stuff fast enough.

Then it was onto the can never have enough clip magnets in kindergarten.  There's always a new "rule" to clip up ;)

Then he indulged in some magnetic letters....

at the chalkboard.

But then decided the chalkboard wasn't good enough so he brought the letters to a table where he thought he broke the container....he kept saying -"uh-oh mommy"

He was in every drawer he could reach.

Then he pulled out letter flashcards and being the teacher that I am I started to go through them with him (you know thought okay-learning opportunity) yeah right.....he lasted for maybe 2 of them-hah!

then the little stinker pulled over one of my little chairs and climbed up on the back wall by the "welcome owl"

He thought he was being funny -so instead of pulling him down - I grab my camera.

Okay enough with the owl Grey -let's try the kitchen area?!

Well he liked the phones....imagine that.

and said Hellooooo many times....

but then decided to put the phone in the fridge...we have to work on "where" things go I guess...

This is our little "in-line" chant we do so I tried to chant to Grey but by the time I finished saying it he was on to to something else-lol!

That sums up what we have been up to this week so far.  I didn't get everything done I needed to but I am getting there.  SO, for now, Grey thinks mommy's classroom is the coolest place a kid could be!  Hope he feels the same way when he actually starts school-right?!

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