
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I Finally have one!

A feather that is!  Can you see it?  I think they're fun and wanted to get one so last night that's just what I did.

I came home to this.  ha!  Look at this little bugger giving me the hand...

My sweets

I took Sailor to the dr. yesterday.  She actually  has a little cold right now.  Grey had one so I'm not surprised.  But it can be dangerous when a little one this age gets a fever so I've been a little worried and watching closely.  It was her 2 month check up and dr. says Miss Sails looks great:)

She weighs 11lbs (50th percentile for weight) right on the nose and is 23 1/2in long (90th for height).  She's really long and that is one of the first things people say about her when they see her.

So that is what our Monday looked like.  Hoping Sailor gets rid of this cold QUICKLY and all fevers stay AWAY!


  1. I hope Sailor feels better soon!

  2. i hope sailor gets better fast!! love the feather! -molly

  3. I like the feather! I have been wanting one too. Where did you have it done? Hope Sailor feels better!! I can post comments now too!!! ;) Thanks!!

  4. feather looks super cute! feel better soon miss sailor ... sick babes are no fun :(

  5. Rachel Z -Abbie Burris does my hair from her home and she put the feather in. I'm glad you can post comments too. That happened to me and it was So annoying.
