
Monday, February 6, 2012


For the most part we were close to home this weekend. 

Saturday morning Nate and Grey went for some doughnuts.  They were there bright and early I assure you because Greyson wakes up at the butt crack of dawn.

I specifically asked for a Valentine doughnut and my boys came through...

And my kids indulged in bath time...always fun

Minnie Mouse always makes a special appearance during tubby time

 Dad as long as you are sitting there, can you scratch my back too?

Sailor seems to love the tubby

We all took turns doing sissy's hair...(my mom secretly hopes there is one little curl to be found)

But not for this baby opposite of her brother's hair...

Saturday night we headed to Church and then to Bianchi's for pizza.  Church was a little 'talkative' I should say.  Grey had to be reminded numerous times to whisper and Sailor and I had to make a trip to the 'back' room.

And yesterday for Superbowl Sunday I made that spicy buffalo chicken dip early in the morning...and then we all rested before our party with friends.

I believe this was lunch time.  The menu called for pears and raspberries for lil Miss

and for the dudes it was cantaloupe and blueberries.  I canNOT tell you how much this lil' guy loves fruit....he has been asking for melon ALL winter long and I have had to tell him that it's NOT in season...

Nate told us all to wear our Bears gear yesterday so we did except Sailor.  But I'm bummed because I have no pictures of our fun night.  I brought my camera of course but never pulled it out:(  But rest assured, we had fun and everyone enjoyed my spicy chicken dip because it went FAST!

And now for the finale...the highlight of our day...I give you Greyson and his NEW underwear!

I'm telling you he was VERY excited...a little Yo Gabba Gabba and some Batman just about did him in...
 Are you feeling it yet?!

Sailor was not impressed...

She was having too much fun with the snake

And this little girl knows what she's doing while her brother sleeps...her only time to have 'his' toys all to she goes right for the big dogs-the caterpillar trucks;)

Houston...We have a drooler.

with a hockey puck in hand and she's not afraid to use it...

Sailor says Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Love the tub pics! And what is it with underwear?! Isla gets so excited over them too! :)
