
Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Fruit Smoothie Please!

First of all, I would like to tell you that I love the faces I catch this little girl doing.

and she likes to play with my pretend glasses...yes I have 'reading' glasses on my counter that I really don't need;)

This is what my kids looked like the whole morning today.

First drop off was at grandmas house while I went to the Y.  After that we ran to Jewel because a lot of things were 50% off...high tail it over to CVS to pick up a prescription for daddy....and then dart over to Aldi's to buy fresh fruit...Both kids in their jammies and a sweaty (literally) mama...We were lookin' good...

I was craving a fruit smoothie so when we got home Grey and I went to work...

We took blueberries, strawberries (cut them up), and a banana...added a little mango yogurt and some grape juice...

blended it all together and was pretty yummy....a little tart....but I like tart;)  Grey sucked it down and Sailor had some too.  They both really enjoyed it.  I love eating healthy.  It makes you feel so good, doesn't it?!

And look who is finally in a high chair?  I finally brought it up from downstairs.  The bumbo chair just wasn't working anymore.
 We were a little messy with our lunch today... Miss Sailor ate sweet potatoes, apricots, and most of her fruit smoothie I gave her.

Have I mentioned I love the faces she makes;)


  1. We eat a lot of smoothies. Try adding spinach. You can't even taste it and adds tons of great vitamins! Also can do a little Peanut Butter or protein powder for a complete meal replacement smoothie (or post workout drink too!)

  2. we LOVE smoothies too!!! i agree with em ... add spinach!! :)

  3. ugh - don't you just hate that cumbersome high chair! i always try to hold it off too. haha.
