
Friday, May 11, 2012

Happy Mother's Day:)

A day to be celebrated for sure! 

I told Nate all I wanted for Mother's Day was pictures with my kids.  I think I will make this a tradition every May. 

I absolutely LOVE this picture.  Thanks to Nate for catching this moment between my son and I.  Motherhood is such a beautiful thing.

These pictures with my kids remind me how lucky I am.  So lucky to be a mother, but even luckier to be THEIR mother.

I could cry just thinking how much I love these two little people and how much they have changed me for the better.  Will they ever know how much?  I truly often wonder this.  I can honestly say that I never knew how much a parent loves their child until I had my own.  There is no way to explain how deep this kind of love is.  And of course all of you parents and moms know just what I mean.  They are a part of me and I'm a part of them and without them a HUGE part of who I have become through this process would be gone.  They are my life.  My whole entire life and of course Nate is too - heck he's the other part that helped me create these two little beautiful souls - we must not forget that.  It's a gutwrenching thought to be without my children and I can't imagine my life without them.

My children give my life purpose and they truly make me find joy/beauty in the 'little things' everyday...and I love that 'SMALL' little detail.  That's HUGE.  Without them, I would never be at the park 4 days a week...I would never feel sand between my toes as often...., I would never crawl in the grass with a magnifying glass looking for bugs, I would never write the ABC's with sidewalk chalk on a daily basis, I would never know the true beauty of flying a kite with my son on a windy day, and I would never know the feeling of two little warm bodies laying next to me before I fall asleep...and these are just a few of the things that my life would be missing if it weren't for them.  I have truly found my place as a mom and I love it!  It's about learning something new every single day and it's making me a better person while I'm doing it.
(I'm not gonna lie, it wasn't easy getting these photos, but this one cracks me up)

 Being a mom is the hardest, yet most rewarding thing I've ever done!

Greyson and Sailor, I love you MORE than you will EVER know...

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there....hope you have a fantastic weekend!


  1. Beautiful pictures and well said! I told Ty all I wanted for Mother's Day was pictures with Cale, too:) Have a wonderful Mother's Day, Leesh!

  2. Great pics! Happy Mother's Day!
