
Monday, September 9, 2013


I have to be honest...I've seen better days.  I believe the exact words that came out of my mouth were "this is a sucky day."  But, I didn't want it to be a pity party so I excepted it and 'trucked' along.  What else was I gonna do, right?

Greyson and Sailor are both sick right now.  Sailor had a fever on Saturday, so I was thinking that Sunday was gonna be the same thing.  So, Sunday morning came and I headed to the Y bright and early.  My mom and dad popped in and brought me balloons and presents.  My mom was the first to say I should take her to quick care.  We heard a little rattle in her throat/chest and she was acting pretty lethargic by this point.  I quickly showered, my parents took Grey, and Sailor and I headed to quick care.  Dr. told me there that he thought it might be bronchitis and that I needed to go to the Emergency room where she could have a nebulizer treatment.

I was kind of worked up by this point just because of ALL of I head to the hospital where they CANNOT find the order from the Dr. for Sailor to have this treatment done.  Well about a half hour later I realized I was at the WRONG hospital.  So, instead of continuing to give the nurse and receptionist dirty looks and thinking - what the hell is wrong with these people  - I stood up - told them I was at the wrong place and left. - DUHH!  The whole way to the RIGHT hospital I kept saying "sailie mommy is so sorry - I know you just wanna go home baby"....because all she kept saying as she was crying was -"mommy home...mommy home" (it might have been at this point when the pity party started - i was having a sucky day and it was my birthday)

So, I get to the hospital, check-in and Sailor sits like an angel and lets them do whatever to her.  Her not moving and letting them take her temp (under the tongue), look in her throat with a stick, listen to her chest, and then let them give her a breathing treatment - well all of that alone tells you I had a pretty sick babe.  Once the treatment was over, it did seem to help break all that yucky stuff up.  We came straight home after that and Sailor went to sleep.  She was wiped.  She woke up all sweaty and her fever did break.

I was supposed to go to the grocery store yesterday but I just didn't have it in me.  So, we went today after school.  Both kids seem to be feeling better.  I just want these coughs to go away.

We ordered dinner last night and my parents and Nate's parents came over.  My mom baked me an angel food cake (one of my favorites) and we all sang Happy Birthday!  I guess I can say now that even though my day didn't start out the way I had ended on a much better note.

When I uploaded these pictures tonight all I could feel was blessed and thankful.  Thankful for my family today and always.
(neither one of my kids look too sick here, but believe me hours before this it was a different story...)

thinking how lucky I am to have this little girl...and praying she is feeling better...

Here's to another year and (healthy kids) - Yes.Cheers to that!

Happy Monday!


  1. It may not have been your best birthday ever, but you spent it with family! Happy birthday and hope those kids feel better soon!

  2. Happy Birthday...a little late! Hope the kids are on the mend...

  3. awww...happy belated. hope the babies are feeling better:)

  4. awww...happy belated. hope the babies are feeling better:)

  5. :( Not a great way to spend a birthday. Hope things got better and your babies are healthy again!
