
Sunday, June 26, 2011

39 weeks

Only 3 more days until we get to meet you Love!

How far along?  39 weeks

Baby size?  the size of a mini watermelon give or take - Personally I think Baby E is a pretty good size watermelon-ha!...It feels like the baby has officially run out of room.  Movement has slowed down a bit because of this reason.  (Grey was already here a week at this point-ha!)  But not his brother/sister....He/she is just not ready to come out yet.

Sleep?  It has been back and forth.  Some nights I still sleep pretty good and then others I am up constantly.

Best moment this week?  Feeling blessed that I have a full term baby and knowing that we are going to meet you very very soon lil' peanut and have a family of 4!

Food Cravings? This week I have been craving Jimmy Johns for some reason.  Love that they have a drive through!!  We'll just say Grey and I have been there a "couple" times last week.

What I am looking forward to?  Having our baby and giving Grey a sibling.

Gender?  NO WAY!  Big surprise this time around!

Pregnancy Symptoms?  The big kicker for me has been heartburn for 9 months.  But just recently I have been feeling a lot of pelvic pressure.

We are waiting very patiently Baby E!

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