
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Late Night Snack...Toddler Style

Because I guess noodles, fresh corn on the cob, and garlic bread wasn't enough -  all compliments of Auntie Amy I might add.  So he played and he played and he played until his little heart was content, but then when we got home, it was "mommy I need a snack"

So at 9:00 Grey was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and drinking a glass of milk.

and posing for the camera while he ate...

He ate every last bite along with counting to me and singing his ABCs...I think he was trying to prolong the process before bed;)  Then it was time to brush our teeth, say our prayers and cozy it up in the crib.

And this, well this is a picture of Grey in his summer PJs - Uncle Just says he looks like a 70s beach star in these short shorts-LOL!


  1. he is soooo stinkin' cute leesh! :)

  2. Isla turned down pizza for dinner last night, and then was begging to eat right before bedtime. What did I feed her? PB&J! :)

  3. Now I'm craving Pb&j...In fact I think Im going to make one. And I am loving those pj's. Grey is getting soooooo big.
