
Monday, March 12, 2012

Enjoying the outdoors

Hand in hand with my lil' guy...

We were able to get out yesterday to enjoy the beautiful weather.  We started with our coats on, but soon ripped those off and enjoyed the sun on our faces and the breeze in our hair.
(mug shot;)

It was so bright for Sailor that she could barely open her eyes.

We stopped at grammy Ann's house for her and Ebby to join us...and off we went.

We tried to look for signs of Spring but no luck yet.  Just some dried up old berries...

These shoes were made for walkin'

and once again Greyson brought along his 'grabber'

Made a pit stop by the fire hydrant but there was NO indecent exposure from Grey...haha!

Grey got tired by the end of our walk and needed some help...

Mini photo shoot with grammy Ann and Sailor starts now...

 Oh I LOVE this sweet baby girl!~

and this lil' guy wanted to brush his teeth sooo bad when we got back from our walk...i don't ask questions...i think he just had the urge to use his spiderman toothbrush at grammy Ann's house;)


On another note, today I'm feeling tired, scared, and a little anxious. My grandpa had a seizure last night and was taken to the hospital.  He's 82 but a GOOOOOOOD 82!  Yesterday he spent the day outside doing yard work and came in to rest.  When he went to bed my grandma found him when he was seizing and called 911 immediately.  Thankfully they live right across the street from the hospital and were able to get him there quickly.

Once they got him to the hospital he 'came to' slowly.  So today he is having a TON of tests done to see what's going on.  So my Monday started out a little scary.  Papa Davey already came over to watch the kids and I headed to the hospital with my mom and grandma bright and early.  At this point we really don't know much and are just waiting for test results. 

So, if you have time please say an extra prayer for my family today.  We could really use it.  Thank you.

I'm telling myself the week can ONLY get better from here.