
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Raging Waves

My mom and I took the kids to Raging Waves and aside from ALL the WORK it was - it was a lot of fun!  First I'd like to give a shout out to grammy Ann for treating us -it was a great way to OFFICIALLY kick off summer!

It is a lot of work to go places  By the time I pack up all the stuff and bags and gear and food and such - I'm exhausted and we're not even there yet.  Honestly, Nate and I were going to take the kids to Michigan for a few days but we have decided that we will just do day trips all summer long.  It's just easier right now and like I said with the ages our kids are right just works better for us.  Don't get me wrong - I love a vacation but it's just A LOT of work with two little kids and besides, I think we are gonna have a pretty big one coming up in the near future (more on that another time)...

So, back to our fun filled day trip to Raging waves...Grey could NOT contain himself - he was so excited...and so was Livy!

First thing Grey spotted was all this cool stuff...

Can you see Grey running up the steps there?!

This is where we stayed for the most really was perfect for Livy and Grey...

Sailor is not nuts about the water and it didn't help that it was FREEZING cold...

Lunch break!  Guess what we had - chicken nuggets - Surprise Surprise!

after lunch we headed to the sand...

I love this one....and check out Grey's big mushroom toe in the right corner there;)

 Livy and Grey waiting for the big waves to come...

       Tootie is not quite ready for the big waves yet;)

and this was Sailor being overly dramatic...this is what she does now - throws herself down when she gets upset...

and one picture with cool scuba diver dude

our final stop was back to the 'little' kid area for the slide a few more times...

Sailie and I decided to rest in the shade...

It was such a fun day and Sailor says don't forget the sunscreen:)

Happy Summer!

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