
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Let's take a stroll...

along the canal, shall we?!

We took the kids for a walk down to the canal but unfortunately it was a short one because we were being attacked by mosquitoes...and BIG ones I might add...Next time I need to remember the bug spray!

Sailor's like -'s not that great now pick me back up...'

The poor girl might have been suffering from a bad hair day...

I laugh because I dressed him from the knees UP...Nate did the rest...We were throwing rocks into the water...

Sister opted out of the rock throwing to do a little people watching and some waving...

Love these little chubby toes...

Nonetheless (aside from the mosquitoes) it made for an interesting walk...I mean we don't always get to see these everyday...

Probably Grey's favorite part of the day:)

After our walk we stopped by my grandma and grandpa's grandpa has been asking me to take some pics of the kids in front of his bright purple clematis...

 This is grandpa Hank's bright purple clematis I was talking about...

Sailor have a flower...

 It was a little tricky to get it just the way grandpa wanted it but we did our best...
and yes Grey and Livy were still there -ha!  it seems like I ended with ALL pics of Sailor but the other two were too busy running around...

So in between walks to the canal and naps and park days you would have found us at the pool this week..the past few days have been we load up on the sunscreen, throw on our floaties and we're good to go...

and SO sad but true - the past three days after loading ALL the bags and baby stuff - I have arrived at my destination without my camera...(I was LOST without it!)  I will be better next week.

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