
Friday, June 29, 2012

Sailor is ONE! Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Can you believe it?!  I can't.  I do not know where this year has gone.  I can tell you this though - it has probably been ONE of the best years ever and that is because I've been home with my family.  I don't think I've ever been happier.

Oh I LOVE this little baby girl!  One year ago today on 6.29.2011 at about 8:30am they layed this beautiful little angel on my chest...this was Sailor last year...(4 days old)
 from that to this...crazy!
(another one of her as a newborn and one with Grey)  Oh how I love the smell of newborns - OMG-heaven!

So let's see...this month you have been getting stronger and stronger on those little chubby feet.  You are not walking but you continue to pull yourself up on the furniture and cruise along it!  You are BUSY BUSY BUSY.

You LOVE to raid my cupboards - it's probably your favorite thing to do and go through brothers drawers.  Every time I go in his bedroom his clothes seem to be sprinkled all over the floor:)  I have brought up the walking toys and you are starting to hold on to them and take a few steps.
You have started to climb the stairs so we need to make sure the doors are CLOSED unless I let you climb them while I follow you obviously.  You love to do that...

You have the biggest grin and I love when those 2 little teeth show - but they are still the ONLY teeth you have-ha!  And your voice is still very deep -cracks us up!
I still have you on formula but we actually went to the dr. today (it always seems as though I take my kids to the dr. on their birthdays) and he said I can start you on whole milk now so once we finish this jar of formula I think we'll give whole milk a try.  You eat anything and everything we give you.  You like to eat!  I have not given you any juice yet - just water.

You idolize your big watch everything he does and he loves you and is so good with you...Usually when I think he's up to no good I'll walk in the room and he's leaning over to give you a kiss or something...don't worry - he's got your two will be good friends...

You take 2 naps a day and sleep through the night!
You are still crazy about waving to people and it's pretty darn cute!  Your favorite word continues to be still 'throw me a bone' with ma-ma sometimes but for the most part you cruise around the house saying da-da-da-da. - You have your own word for Greyson and we can't make it out yet but we know that's what you're saying...

But you are still just a babbling machine...

You are crazy ticklish and love when we 'chase' you...and you are always up for a lightsaber 'war' with Grey.

You continue with the dance moves as well...when the music starts - you start bumpin' and you have recently started you're own little 'twist' - OMG is it cute!

But no matter what when you want to get to something FAST - you resort to the butt will crawl when you have to and by that I mean if you get yourself in a pickle or 'stuck' you crawl your way out...

You are such a joy in our lives!  I love every morning waking up to those bright blue eyes!

Happy Birthday Tootie!  We Love You!