
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Pre-Birthday Dinner for Miss Sailie

We decided to take Sailor out for her birthday dinner on Thursday night because Nate had to work on Friday(her actual birthday).  So the four of us went to Olive Garden.  Sailor sucked down a strawberry smoothie and enjoyed some chicken strips and spaghetti along with her brother.  I don't have any pictures from dinner...but I can assure you it was really good and the kids were well behaved for the most part;)

After dinner we stopped to pick up some cupcakes and then headed home where we sang Happy Birthday and let Sailor (and Grey) chow down on her special little treat.

They all plopped on the couch after dinner...Sailor was tired too...(I was preparing the cupcakes;) while they relaxed...

I think we were all a little was a full day in the sun on Thursday...and the temps. were above 100...

We then decided it was best that Sailor dig into her cupcake with only her diaper of course Grey had to do the same...only difference was that he ate his in some cool undies;)

Birthday kisses from daddy...

Yay for turning ONE!

and here's a video of the birthday action...

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