
Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Family Reunion, Father's Day, and Some More...

My grandma Joyce's side of the family was getting together in the 'BIG' town of Wenona...we were giving her 'crap' all day but all in good fun of course about her old stompin' grounds...we don't see them very often and they invited all of us so we went!  There were other little kids there and Grey had a blast.  I didn't see him all day...

Livy and Grey were eyeing up the cooks...

Would you like a pinwheel?!  :)

Everyone always needs their Sailor fix;)

These are the twins -Gavin and Carter - they are headed into Kindergarten in the fall and Grey just thought they were AWESOME!  He watched them play baseball all day pretty much - it was so cute!
Enjoying some mighty good grub I might add!

Grey stayed hydrated all day with blue raspberry lemonade - can you tell by the blue mustache?!

And boy do we love Sally!  This woman thought of EVERYTHING!  She brought a snow cone machine for the kids...

Even Sailor liked the snow cones

And after the reunion we were told 'we had to stop at Kim's sweet shop for their fountain marshmallow coke'...Grey sucked his down in a matter of seconds - I let him get a small one;)   - hey we don't come around Grandma's stompin' grounds too often so we must test it ALL out!

I must admit it was pretty good...perfect end to the day!  Caffeine aside;)

Sunday we celebrated Father's Day at my moms house...we grilled and just relaxed - we took a break from the heat and welcomed her nice air conditioned house for a bit...

I don't say it enough - but I'm so grateful for this guy!  I don't know what I'd do without him by my side.  And watching him father our children is unbelievable.  He has the patience of a SAINT.  He truly does.

Boy I tell ya family photos are hard to come by these days...
(Father's Day 2012)

Livy was putting on lipstick for her photo;)

And these are my wonderful grandparents...And my grandpa - THE.BEST.GRANDPA I might add - he'd give you the shirt off his back...

And this would be my dad's Father's day present...what do you think?  The guy that works 7 days a week wanted a bicycle???
I asked him when he would have time to ride it and his response was -"oh you know I'll ride it to get my hair cut and stuff" - who says that? haha!

Nonetheless, I have some pretty GREAT men in my life...

And speaking of dads - Uncle Alex is gonna be a dad pretty soon here and we are very excited for him...Him and Gina are expecting in November...

And in other news I've been busy planning this lil' ones first birthday party...
It's gonna be one heck of a "Sail-ebration"...

Happy Friday!  We are off to a waterpark today (friday)!  Wish grammy Ann and I luck!!!


  1. You always take such great pictures! Love that last one of Sailor. Can't believe she's going to be ONE!!
