
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Daddy's Home!

and we're so happy!  We missed him!  
Nate finally got home last night.  He was gone all week fishing.
 Grey attacked him the minute he walked in and tootie put her arms out for him to pick her up...and I ran out the door - hahaha!  Just kidding...

Nate might have forgotten to rub in the sunscreen all the way...nice white eyebrows -ha!

So today we relaxed by the pool...

Well some of us relaxed while others were 'scooting' around

 and we tried out some new floaties today thanks to grammy Ann...the other ones kept flying off...

Grey was a little cold...

That's what our day looked like today...We're sure glad Nate's home!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! Days are always better when Daddy is around :)
