
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Summer Fun at the Library

We have been going to the library on Thursday nights.  The first week (I forgot my camera) we were VERY entertained by Chris Fascione - he was soooo good!  He really did bring stories to life and had the kids help him act them out.  The kids AND the adults were LAUGHING out loud.

Since we had such a good time we decided to go back again.  This past time it was more geared towards literature around the world.  It may even have been a little over Grey's head but nonetheless it is so good for him to be around other kids in 'classroom' type settings so I was all about it.

It was pajama night and bring your fav. stuffed animal to have a sleepover.  Since the kids couldn't sleepover - they had the animals have a sleepover in the library - super cute!

First thing we had to do was put a name tag on our animal...we brought Mouse...(we don't really have a fav. stuffed animal)

Grammy Ann joined us too

Sister couldn't handle being quiet while it was story I took her out for a bit;)

 and look she already thinks she's gonna check out a book - she's hangin' with her brother too much;)

This one is super blurry but it cracks me's a good thing the librarian was not around...

Then the kids had to creat their own 'place'...Greyson wanted to make everything about star wars - imagine that?!
he looks so cute workin' all hard...

and here he is with Mouse...right before it was time to go...
I'm not sure what this Thursday is about but we're def. gonna check it out!

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