
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Today was...

ordinary but good.  I'll take ordinary anytime you want to give it, because today was sweet, the sun was shining, and I was with my kids.

To ME...being with my kids is SOOOO important.  I.LOVE.IT!  I don't know how I could be 'working' right now and trust me I know it's easy for me to say that since I'm not at my job this year and I will be one sad mommy come August.

I say my prayers every morning and they always include a note of gratitude and thankfulness that I am home with my babies at this point in time. 

Trust me there are days where I just can't do it ALL.  I am frustrated, stressed, and TIRED and I think to myself if Greyson throws one more tantrum I am REALLY going to loose it.  Or I think it's so nice that Sailor can't 'talk' yet or have a tantrum like her brother yet...haha!  It's funny some nights when we go to my mom and dads I am...let's say 'short' with Greyson and my mom will just look at me...My response - I have been with him ALL day...I need a little break so cut me some slack...Some days are so HARD and HEAVY literally.  I really need to transfer Sailor to a carseat.  My back really hurts from lifting that thing.

Or once we arrive to our destination I think how did I manage to make it out of the house in one piece? 

Or the fact that my mom always 'yells' at me for my diaper bag...I think her exact words are ALWAYS..."Alicia I am coming over to pack that thing for you!"  Ok mom - great you do that and while you're at it...I'll just sneak out for a mani and pedi ;)  (Love you mom)

Now where was I going with this....ahhhh being a sweet day.  I can honestly say that before library today there were NO tantrums.  This is RARE people.  And we all showered this morning, got ready....and here is the kicker - I was even able to put make-up on!  That alone makes it a sweet day;)

Sweet art from the heart today...mommy handles the tissue paper, Sailor handles the hole punch, and brother bear takes over the scissors...hey we got it covered...

Sailor was showing off our finished product...the girl has got her grasp down...

And this was the sweet snack at library today....loved the heart marshmallows...sweet touch...(sorry if I'm using the word 'sweet' too much for you today) but that is the word that kept coming to my mind...

After library we made a pit stop at grandma and grandpas house.

and piling on top of grandpa today was the thing to do

and would you look at what Greyson found in the cereal box today?  Yoda!  That alone makes for an awesome day and how ironic for him...he has recently just become a super Star Wars fan thanks to his daddy.

and these two...well they are learning something new
Let's talk about sharing shall we?!

So ordinary is good and today was sweet from whatever angle you look at it.

and that 'art from the heart' we told you about was hung with some extra LOVE today when we got seems to catch the sun just right hanging from our window.


  1. Hi Sweetie!! I do love your post today! You are right you are one VERY busy Mom and I love watching you in action with my precious Grandchildren. LOVE YOU, MOM
