
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Right Before Bed Time...

This is a video of Grey last night before bed. We didn't do too much last night. We ordered a pizza. Grey and I jumped in the shower. Then we read books, babbled, played with his turtle, and babbled some more. Then it was off to bed we went.

We had the lights off in our bedroom so that we could see the different colors of the turtle and the stars on the wall from it.

Friday, January 29, 2010

He's a Ladies Man

What can I say...he's quite the ladies man! Especially with his #1 mama! Do you believe I didn't have any bright red lipstick!?!?

Happy Friday to all and to all a very Happy Hour!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

15 month wellness check

Yesterday afternoon we took Grey for his 15 month check up. It was about a week early, but our pediatrician Dr. Running is pregnant and wanted to get him in before her maternity leave. She says she will be back for his 18 mo. which isn't until May. He did really good and she says he is doing exactly what he's supposed to be doing whatever that! Grey weighs 24 lbs which is right at the 50th percentile and he was 32 1/2 in. long which is the 90th percentile for height. Dr. Running says he's a "tall dude"...

I have to laugh though because at the last couple of check ups Grey has had some gas...Dr. Running will be talking to me and asking me these questions and Greyson will blow a really loud fart and I mean loud. And Nate starts laughing like anybody does at a fart and I am holding it in and trying to be serious answering questions. So picture this, Greyson is naked (only diaper on) roaming around the room like he owns the place and farting up a storm and pressing the buttons on Dr. Runnings lap top. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't hold it in any longer and this time it SMELLED....I kept checking his diaper and there was NOTHING! So, as soon as we got out of her office I call my mom to see what he had for lunch....are you ready for this....chili and chicken...if that doesn't give you gas I don't know what will! lol!

Ok so back to the appt....Greyson also had to get two shots. One was for the chicken pox and the other was MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella). He did cry pretty hard and she said that these shots would hurt that he had. So before we even left her office I gave my little guy some motrin.

Here are some pics I took of Grey when we got home from the doctor. I don't think he was without his binkie the rest of the night.

I was playing with him and taking his binkie from him...he thought it was funny at first...

But that smile turned immediately to I gave the binkie back...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Grey and I baked!

Grey and I baked some cupcakes while daddy watched some football. Grey LOVES to help out in the kitchen and what a big help he was...(wink, wink) These weren't just any old cupcakes either they were confetti cupcakes and they sure were yummy!

Grey thought we should add in some bananas but I just politely told him that the recipe didn't call for them this time...I didn't want to make my kitchen helper mad or anything.

Nice face mom!

Then Grey went down for his afternoon nap and when he woke up these were the finished product.

I think I'll just try one...

Which one should I pick?

Here goes....

yummmmm....that frosting sure is good...

I'll try another bite....he hasn't figured out to pull off the paper obviously

Maybe I'll just grab two...what the heck...

Yeah that sounds good

Monday, January 25, 2010

That feeling...

Yesterday it was a rainy day and I just so happened to get "that" feeling. You know that feeling...

  • I need to be productive
  • I need to get something done
  • my house is busting at the seams with all sorts of things
  • i need to clean out something
  • we need to start a home project
  • i have stuff laying ALL over the place
  • we need to clean out the back room in the basement
  • nate is bored so I need to make him do something such as clean out the garage, or the shed, or back to that basement
  • okay let's start the trim in the breezeway...Nate...go to home depot it's only 10am and you can still watch football later but your wife is having anxiety about things that need to get done so just go do it...
  • i still need to go to the grocery store for the week
  • try to do all of this while grey is still sleeping....hah...yeahhhhhhhhhhh right
  • if only we get one of these things done i'll feel better...yeah that's the key right?
  • what am I going to cook tonight? maybe shrimp...yeah that sounds good?
  • great Nate gets back from Home Depot and they don't have what I want...yep that sounds right?
  • okay then move onto pictures...yep I have been meaning to blow up some pics of Grey so just get that done at least...?
  • Nate is still bored because what I was going to have him start didn't work...okay Nate then you need to clean out the breezeway (room before you enter our garage) and you need to put all of your fishing stuff AWAY because I can't look at it anymore!
  • And that fish tank that we got for Christmas is looking really cloudy so have to clean that out know the rules I don't want a fish tank if it doesn't look clean...
  • and now I think I hear Greyson....he's up from his do you know what that means....NOT much will get done......yikes.....ahhhhhhhhhhh.... what are ya gonna do when you get "that" feeling???
  • I know one thing for sure...always keep your hubby busy especially if he has a natural inclination to get real antsy real fast...

Well I wrote the top half yesterday morning and now on this actual Monday morning I'll just let you know what we were able to get done...

We did go to the grocery store as a family of 3. However, it was okay because the lady at the deli counter gave Grey a garlic bread stick so that lasted him the whole time. We were laughing the whole day because Grey smelled like garlic-it was cute! (shout out to D babe on that!)

I did cook some fresh shrimp up...we have been using this recipe since we went to Florida with my Uncle Mark who lives out east and knows these types of recipes. You get this seasoning Old Bay (shout out to Ange on this one as well-those southerners know good and it's a 1/2 cup of water and 1/2 cup of vinegar and then the actual seasoning(bring all of this to a boil and add in your shrimp and then boil for 3-5 min depending on amount of shrimp you have. We LOVE it (Nate and I) and it's super easy. Grey was spitting out the shrimp but he gobbled up the fresh green beans I steamed. (Ps. the shrimp does have a bite to don't try it if you don't like that sort of thing...)

Nate and Grey went and bought some new fish for the tank and Nate did clean it out so it is very clear again...;)

I did order the pics I wanted of Grey also... 4 8x10s in black and white of that cute little face are already home and in the 4 black frames I bought.

And Nate did organize his fishing stuff in the breezeway so I felt a little better.

Then it was 4:30 and Nate headed to sidetracks. Grey just woke up from his nap and since neither of us had showered yet we hopped in the shower. Grey loves to hop in the shower with one of us but we try to make it fast because it can get a little tricky at times!

So there you have it folks...I did not get everything done on my list but some of the stuff!

Happy Monday everybody!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My Sleeping Beauties...

This was the other morning! I have an eye mask thing for bed because sometimes Nate is watching TV and I need it completely black to fall asleep! Anyway, I cannot find my good one at the moment so I picked this one up in the Target dollar bin. The strap already fell apart so I won't be using it anymore. I hope I find my good one!

PS. I think it might be time for Nate to get rid of the beard. What do you think?

Sunday Morning Video this time...

Here's Grey just messin' in the kitchen and here's to show you he still gets super excited about his! He's such a happy lil' guy!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Morning Video

I have nothing really to blog about this morning, but I do have some videos to post.

Friday, January 22, 2010

An "Ice" Day this time...

Yesterday schools were called off because of the ice. I was not complaining that's for sure! But you know since schools were closed because of the conditions outside it's probably a good idea to stay home, but NOT for us....Nope... we were out and about from the time Grey woke up! lol!

We started our morning with some Starbucks....caffeine for mommy and daddy and some apple juice for Grey...and an apple fritter that he pretty much demolished...I didn't find any of that on his shirt or left in the high chair...

Of course Grey had to be looking around at everyone at Starbucks.

Then after Starbucks we headed to Walmart and picked up a few things and then home for nap #1!
Then, after Greyson woke up daddy needed some fishing line so we headed to Springvalley for that and looked at a few boats...on the way back we stopped to say Hi to grammy Ann at Janko Realty! They always like surprise visits from Grey;)

Then we came home and I tried to do a Valentine's Day photo shoot with a few props! Here's how it went...

I could get used to these three day weeks!
Happy Friday to all and to all a very Happy happy hour!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What to do on a Wednesday night?

Well for starters make sure you know what to cook for supper especially if the first two nights of the week were covered for you by a couple of grandmas. (I'm thinkin' that "some" people could make some comments about that statement I just typed, but we won't say who or why lol!) I always feel better if I know what I'm going to cook in the morning don't you?!?!(And I could probably take slack with the comments for that one too!)

Then when you get home from work go ahead and give your baby a snack and start to get that yummy supper ready! For us it just happened to be chicken and stuffing and for wee bitty one year old add in some green beans and an apple but no caramel this time grey sorry! Lol!

Then while supper is in the oven go ahead and pull out wee bitty one year olds toys and not just a couple .....go ahead and be daring and pull out EVERY SINGLE TOY because you still have an hour to kill before supper!

While this is all going on remember to always
pull out your camera and take some pics of your little one!

And if you want make your hubby take the pics for a change. However he might need a lesson or two for taking some quality pics! And remember he's a male so be specific.. Tell him you want action shots not just posed pics. Then of course check the work he's done and correct him along the way

Then head back to the kitchen and set the table. When all is ready bring in your boys. Feed wee bitty one year old and don't get too distraught that more food is in his high chair or on his shirt than in his belly because you know when you look at him he is getting something into that mouth lol!

Then put little guy in the tub while daddy turns on pandora and all of you rock out but only
one gets to hold the yellow ducky! Then lotion, jammies, books, prayers, and daddy checks little guys humidifier! Then little guy is
in bed and mommy and daddy collapse in front of the tv but only to watch some auditions to American idol and then tlc hoarders ! I know we live on the edge!

I know that was hard to comprehend with all that excitement in there! You know you can only handle so much on a Wednesday! Here are some of the pics daddy took. He did a pretty good job!

This first one might show us that Greyson needs another hair cut. We all know I love his hair but it might be time to get that big boy hair cut...not sure though...I will be sure to let you know...I just don't like the hair over his ears but in Grey's defense it still looks adorable when I lotion it up!

Just hangin' out.

Now for the mommy and Grey play time shots that we made daddy take!

And, of course we tried to take a family shot...Tried is the key word in that sentence!

Well it's "Thirsty Thursday" for some people so we are gettin' close to the weekend!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The Cavs bring home a Victory!

Last night was the infamous game between the cavs and the bruins. We have not been to any games yet so we decided to bring Grey to this one for we were sure to catch come excitement! Greyson was really good and in the beginning he could not help but stare at everything going on around him. He loved all the music and dancing. However, this did not last the WHOLE time! lol! He started to get a little antsy(SP) but for the most part he was a real babe! He also was able to see his Auntie Mims perform for the half time show.

It was a pretty good game and I was a little worried toward the end that the Cavs were not going to pull it off, but they did-thank goodness;) Daddy put on a green T-shirt on purpose...but the cavs still came through. The ending score was something like 50 - 51 so you can imagine what the stands were doing! I didn't get that many good pics but here are just a few.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sunday Night Dinner!

However, last night was at the Riva's house! Nate's parents were out of town so my mom invited us over. And, last night Greyson entertained himself with a Hinckley & Schmitt water jug!

he rolled it...

he picked it up

he walked with it

then a little play time with Papa mike

then hugs for Uncle Alex

Papa Mike was Mr. Cheese in this!

play time again with papa

then Grey and Papa Mike turned the water jug into some drums

they were pretty good

but then Grey made a pit stop with dad to have some of his root beer float that grammy ann made for us

Thanks for makin' us dinner mom!!! Now, what should I make tonight?