
Thursday, May 31, 2012

11 months...

Well 11 months have gone by and I needed to post before I forget...In between the crazy weekend and everything we had going on Sailor decided to turn 11 months.  She's just a pistol and so fiesty!  Not too much has changed since last month.  She's still crazy BUSY and so mobile.  She's not walking yet but it seems she gets more and more mobile by the day.  She's pulling herself up on EVERYTHING.  So, now I'm waiting for the 'walking along' stuff but not yet.

We are completely done with nursing and baby food.  She wants nothing to do with the baby food.  I guess I don't blame her.  She eats anything.  I'm positive when we go for her check-up there will be no concern over her weight;)

                                                                                               (oh I LOVE my Sailor girl)

It's so funny because Sailor is actually getting into the lightsabers now too - haha!  (oh no what do I have on my hands)  This here is a mini one...Grey likes to call her his little Yoda sometimes...

Her hair is getting so long on top that if I don't 'pin' it up somehow, it's in her eyes.  She has started to pull her bows out and that's a BIG NO NO;)  So now I switch between hair ties, barrettes, and bows...

She is still such a calm/chill baby.  Really she goes with the flow and I'm sure having Grey as a big brother has everything to do with this.  So that must mean if there's a third one - he/she should be a piece of cake-right?!  ha!  (NO I'M NOT PREGNANT!!!!)

Sister still has these crazy blue eyes...

and her cheeks...well they are squeezed, kissed, and sometimes it's all I can do not to bite them;)

The girl of course does have a temper and has started to show it a lot if she doesn't get her way...She throws a mind snap if her brother takes a toy from her and she's always so determined...

She has no problem 'fighting' back...i think she'll be one tough cookie;)

And still only 2 teeth for this girl...

Still growing like a weed and we wouldn't want it any other way...

Happy 11 months!  Love you Miss Sailor!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Memorial Day weekend was spent close to home and with all our loved ones near!  There were so many reasons to celebrate.

We had a surprise party for my parents who celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary and my brother Alex got engaged.  To say my heart was happy would be an understatement.  We were all OVERjoyed with everything that went down over the weekend.  There were toasts, tears, hugs, and lots of kisses to go around.  I'm so proud of my parents.  They have showed us what true love is and what it means to be married.  They have showed us that it's not easy and that marriage takes work/effort and a WHOLE lot of talking and understanding.
I hope to pass the same onto my own children...

So many special moments were shared and so much to be thankful for...

And not to mention there was a WHOLE lot of yellow going on...You see we all decided to wear yellow because that was the color of my parents wedding...And let's face it - Yellow makes you happy:)

Sailor wanted her mama...

He's turned out to be a pretty GREAT son-in-law...

We had family and good friends at the party to make our night was just such a happy night!

And it wouldn't be a party without a cake...
the only thing missing were balloons because those make me happy too;)

our sun kissed babies had a fun night too...

So my parents cut into the cake and then...

this is what happened next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My brother gave a little speech to my parents and then he turned to Gina and got down on one knee...yeah, we all went a little nuts - ha!  It.was.Perfect!

Oh, and she said YES;)

And then I went CRAZY with my camera - ...
 all the phone calls afterward
 Can you tell yet that it was a happy night for our family?!!!!
 the bling...Brother you did GOOD!

 (one of my favorites of them from the night - just caught this)

We did eventually go back to eating the cake - I promise and it was pretty good...

(Alex and Gina engaged on my parents 35th anniversary)

and oh did these kids PLAY...we are still catching up on sleep from last weekend...
I'm just loving all this yellow...

And special thanks to Aunt Kathy for hosting the party...

Strike a pose please...
haha - look at the kids...

We are so blessed...

had to sneak one in with my baby girl...

My parents were overwhelmed with the whole celebration and it was definitely a night to remember.

It was so wonderful to have everyone with us.  (we did miss my hubby though - he was on a fishing trip that was planned well before we knew about this so he's off the hook;))

Life is short and when we share moments like this, we are reminded of all the 'little' things that truly matter.

I think it's safe to say that we all went to bed happy this night:)

Happy Anniversary to my parents and Congratulations to Alex and Gina!

What a night!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Time for the Pool!

We're kickin' this weekend off right...

We have our sweet lil' Jayne girl home this weekend so ALL the cousins can have some fun!  They love to play with eachother!

 So, today we headed over to my parents neighbors house.  After all sunscreen was applied, swimsuits put on, floaties put on, goggles put on, etc etc......we were able to get in the pool - ha!  

Sailor just isn't a fan she was maybe in for 10-20 minutes and then wanted we stuck her in the shade and she was good to go...she liked just watching...

Jayne and her daddy...

Livy Lou...

Greyson jumped in the pool like no time had passed...he was off the board, jumping off the side, and jumping onto the floats laying in the water...he's such a good little swimmer...I'm so proud of him!

the girlies...

and this would be Uncle Adam's canon ball...

sportin' her two piece today... (I have not even gotten Sailor a suit yet -I know I need to get on it - so thanks to Dee Dee we have one)

Sailor and her daddy just floating away:)

Jayne bug is a little fish too....I'm so glad these kids are not afraid of the water...

and one more of Sister because she's a lil' stinker:)

Happy Friday!  We hope you have a fabulous weekend!