
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Egg coloring...

Sunday we decided to color some Easter eggs.  My kids were so excited about it.  I bought some easter egg coloring kits, boiled some eggs and then we headed over to Dee Dee's house.  I'm pretty sure we'll do this about 5 more times ;-) so i thought we better get a good start on it.  Both of my kids are already asking when we are going to do it again.

 Nate was gettin' all fancy ;-)

Nate's 'fancy' egg was a flop - haha!

Dee Dee always puts oil on them when they are done - to give them a nice glazed glow...

Grey and his egg and on mine Nate wrote "bunny poop" creative aren't we?!

Saturday, April 12, 2014


this beautiful weather the past couple days...

Sassy sails...

You can't really tell from this picture but this was a major melt down moment....Sailor wanted a rock Grey had...

And this is still the rock pile by our house from our patio....(yeah it's still there)  Who knew a rock pile could be so much fun;)

We have finally made it to Spring Break!  Cheers and kisses to that!

Sunday, April 6, 2014

My motorcycle dude...

We Nate got Grey a motorcycle for Christmas.  Nate grew up with a dirt bike so he could't wait for Grey to start with one as well.  I'm not completely sold yet.  My mama heart is worried, but I'm keeping my mouth closed ;-)  Anyway, Grey LOVES it and we are amazed with how good he is doing on it.

 Giving him some instructions...

In other news, we took down Sailor's crib yesterday.  My mom picked up this adorable white wicker set for Sailor at a St. Louis garage sale last year.  I've been meaning to set this up for her.  I was planning to do it over our spring break but yesterday seemed to be a better time ;-)  I had no idea it was a QUEEN size bed frame though.  Thank goodness we have big bedrooms. 
 Sailie was super excited about it...

It's def. not done yet and i will take some more pics.  I need to find her bedding.  I'm waiting for some to pop out at me and then I'll splurge.
Last night Grey slept with her.  They had a little slumber party in her BIG bed.

Happy Sunday!

Thursday, April 3, 2014


has been a little hard for me lately...I've never really felt like this before and I haven't felt comfortable until now talking about it.  And unfortunately, that's just life sometimes.  I've been overwhelmed and very anxious.  Anxiety is the worst feeling and for me it started in the fall, shortly after Greyson's birthday in November.

At first, I thought what the hell is going on?  What's wrong with me?  I saw a lot of doctors, had numerous blood tests done and everything came back 'normal'...and so now I sit here and visit this blog where I haven't been in a really long time.  I haven't pulled out my camera in months and that makes me sad.  I've been taking pictures with my phone but it's not the same.  Photography is something I truly enjoy and capturing those little moments in our lives that go so fast are important to me.  I need to get back on track and I think I'm doing that but it's been a VERY SLOW process.  I have good days and bad days just like we all do and hopefully the good days start outweighing the bad. 

I cannot say enough about my family.  They have been here for me like no other.  They've been very worried and just like always when someone in our clan is down or something is wrong we ALL rally together man and it's something fierce.

It was probably two months ago now, but my mom layed in bed with me for a whole weekend and held me because that's what I needed.  As for Nate, he carried on like the wonderful person that he is.  Took care of the kids and kept the house going.  He was quiet though and I knew he was worried.  It's just so's hard to explain.  I just needed my mom, but he was right there to listen, to watch, to feel what I was feeling and he never said a word he just stepped right in and did whatever he needed to do.  Basically to sum it up, my husband is truly an AMAZING person.  He just is!  And so is MY MOM!

So, basically I'm having some anxiety right now and trying my best to push through it.

Oooooooh, but these about a breath of fresh air!  Honestly my night just got better when I uploaded these and looked at them.
And of course just because I might be a little anxious right is still busier than ever...Grey just finished basketball at the Y....and now he's all signed up for Tball this summer and some soccer in the Fall.

As for Sailor, we still need to do potty training.  It's def. not her fault.  I'm to blame.  She's more than ready but I'm not worried about it.  She will start pre-school in the Fall and is SOOOO excited!  She will also start dance class in August.  She's such a girly girl.

That's the thing about life, you never know what's coming.  But there's SOOO much good and my two kids help me see that every day.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  Happy Friday!