
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

The Day/Night before you were Born

I thought I would document the day before our 2nd child was born.  So here goes...

I got up pretty early yesterday - like 5:30 because I just couldn't sleep anymore.  Turned on the news for a bit and eventually fell back asleep until big brother woke up which was pretty close to 7am.

 Daddy had already left for work for the day around 6:15 so I brought Grey into bed with me where we snuggled and snuggled, sipped on orange juice, and watched Mickey Mouse.

 It was a beautiful morning compared to what we have been having...we have been waking up to cloudy skies but today was bright blue skies and the sun was shining...

 Big brother was perfectly content snuggling under the sheets in bed

Good morning....Grey and those sleepy eyes still...

Grey and I finally got out of bed, showered, and ready around 9am.  The both of us ate breakfast/took our vitamins and then it was off for a Target/Walmart run to get a few more things before you arrived Baby E!  After Walmart we stopped at grandma Joyce's and grandpa Hank's to fill them in on the schedule of my c-section and times and so on.

Grey needed a little finger nail trim while we were there...

A little snuggling with great grandma Joyce was definitely in order

and one with Papa Hank too

Then we played a bit with our hard hat and

some playdoh... Had some lunch...

and then of course landed at the pool until nap time.

Grey wanted me to put on goggles and I was trying to get a picture of the two of us...

Today's pool highlights were him really sticking his face under water and holding his breath...

After the pool we came home and Grey slept from 1:15 - 4:30.  When he got up daddy was home and Grey was roaring to go.  Grammy Ann had called and invited us down for supper so that's where we headed.

We let your big brother run around like this because we were working on the whole potty thing.  So I just sat there with my tea in a wine glass (always more fun) while we kept asking Grey if he had to go potty.

Then we had a cheers to you Baby E and our last night as a family of 3...Some tea, some apple juice, and a corona!

Grammy Ann INSISTED that I take one last belly pic the night before having you.  So here we are together peanut.  (39 weeks & 2 days)  I'm so ready to meet you in person!

and so is your daddy and big brother!

So there you have it....what we did the day and night before Baby E joined us.

Thanks for being so good to me for 9 months peanut!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Right where I wanted to be...

With family and friends for the weekend. 

We had a nice layed back weekend around here.  We did some yard work, lounged around in our pajamas, was awakened by a certain 2 year old at 6:00am, did some cleaning, and hung out with family and friends.

We had a nice get together on Saturday at the Hysons.  Nothing too planned, nothing you had to be all "ready" for....Just a good time that you needed your swimsuit for, some nice cool beverages, and my camera to catch those special moments.  Those special moments that included laughing, hanging out, and catching up and may or may not have included a little facebook!

Love these weekends...casual but COOL!

Brody Mac and his undeniable floaties that REALLY work and of course a noodle to keep you going.

Nate was a trooper and jumped right in with the kids while the rest of us hung out all around them.

After swimming, it was time to enjoy a good ol' fashion summer cook out, which included burgers on the grill with ALL the toppings a burger should have, fresh avocado salad, fresh fruit, and of course some more cold beverages;)

This was a really good Watermelon Break...ready...GO!

Ella couldn't decide where a "queen" should sit...

So, she piled right in between the two boys.

A little Toy Story for the boys if you will...

and some fun chit chatting for the girls

We ended with some tubby time in GiGi's BIG bath tub...

It did come time to say good-bye but that's ok because it's only until next time...

         Sunday we met up with our friends Angie and Kent and went down to the Boat Club.  I didn't bring my camera with me though.  But they have a little boy Evan so him and Grey ran around down there and it was perfect weather.

And, obviously I'm just showing you I'm still here and still pregnant and still dumbfounded that my baby isn't here!  And having fun with the camera too so I can laugh at myself and this baby can see its mama 2 days before I had he/she!..ha!  See Baby E...I'm going a little coo coo!  Where are you?!

I really thought this baby was gonna come early but now I just hope he/she let's their mama get her hair done tonight because that's what the plan is;) ha!  We've waited this long so I think if my child knows how much I like to get my hair done he/she will just wait one more day.

So, this is your mama telling you Baby Ernat that we will see you in 2 days!  Can't wait!
(39 weeks and 1 day)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

39 weeks

Only 3 more days until we get to meet you Love!

How far along?  39 weeks

Baby size?  the size of a mini watermelon give or take - Personally I think Baby E is a pretty good size watermelon-ha!...It feels like the baby has officially run out of room.  Movement has slowed down a bit because of this reason.  (Grey was already here a week at this point-ha!)  But not his brother/sister....He/she is just not ready to come out yet.

Sleep?  It has been back and forth.  Some nights I still sleep pretty good and then others I am up constantly.

Best moment this week?  Feeling blessed that I have a full term baby and knowing that we are going to meet you very very soon lil' peanut and have a family of 4!

Food Cravings? This week I have been craving Jimmy Johns for some reason.  Love that they have a drive through!!  We'll just say Grey and I have been there a "couple" times last week.

What I am looking forward to?  Having our baby and giving Grey a sibling.

Gender?  NO WAY!  Big surprise this time around!

Pregnancy Symptoms?  The big kicker for me has been heartburn for 9 months.  But just recently I have been feeling a lot of pelvic pressure.

We are waiting very patiently Baby E!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sucker Treat

Lately when we are home (when) being the key word here I just let Grey run around naked or in his undies of choice and fill him up with liquids and then ask him a million times if he has to go potty.  He has been doing really good at home and going in his little potty that we have set up in the bathroom.  Well this morning was no different.  I wanted to sneak in a few toosh shots but I never got to it between cleaning house, doing dishes, and washing bed sheets.  But I did get the sweet aftermath of it all, which is my sweet little two year old with his treat for going potty.  He's been so good about telling us when he has to go.

 However, we have yet to go #2 on the BIG potty.  I'm all for peeing in the little potty, but for #2 we are going straight to the big!

And do you see this wrist band...Well my child REFUSES to take it off...ha!  He had to wear it on Thursday at the jumpy house place and now wants to keep it on.

 Nate told me just to cut it off when he's sleeping but I keep forgetting.  So now when I ask him - "can I cut that off Grey?"  He just says "no mommy I want it on!"
So, Nate says he will make him some "cool" bands for his little wrist.  We shall see how this works.

My sweet little 2 year old is getting so BIG.  He's ready to be a good BIG brother!

My parents just picked him up to go on a picnic so he was ROARING to go!  I sweetly reminded him - "now tell grammy Ann if you have to go potty" - can't wait to hear how it went!