
Tuesday, June 7, 2011


has begun! 

We have been spending our days at the pool because there is nowhere else to be...The weather has been so HOT here...Grey has been a little fish from the moment he hits the water until I tell him it's time to go home and take our nap...He looks so cute with his little tan and his hair is getting lighter...

I still need to get him a swimsuit with a swim shirt for the summer because that sun is just wicked...but he still knows how to strut his stuff...swim diaper and all baby!

Livy and Mary joined us today...
This was a Dorito break...

The 3 Muskateers

Grey jumps off the diving board and everything...I can't believe how he has been swimming...

The girls and their jumping skills

and Grey had to show me his too...

and the landing...

It was funny because he watched me as I uploaded these tonight and he was mad because he wanted to see himself with goggles on...he's big into the goggles when he swims, but today I just didn't get any pics of him with them on.

I am still feeling good but being 9 months pregnant does take it's toll...sometimes I forget how far along I am but by the end of the night I am always surely reminded.  My feet have been a little swollen at the end of the day, but nothing terrible at all.  Grey and I are gonna be hitting up the library lap sits, arts and crafts, and swimming for as long as I can hold out.  Then Dee Dee will start to take him to the pool until I recover and all from the baby.  So we have it all set up.  It will be here very soon and I am still anxious about the WHOLE thing.  Just a new adjustment!

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