
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the great dads out there especially my daddy today!

Nate thank you for being the best dad to our two babies.  Greyson and Baby E. are so very lucky to have you!!!

Greyson was up bright and early.  It's currently 6:50am and I just took these pics-ha!  Daddy was still sleeping and so we snuck in a few pics and quickly let him go back to sleep...(Greyson was sportin' his O-town shirt that I got him-it's too big so we use it as a night shirt.)

Love you daddy and Happy Father's Day!


  1. happy father's day! i love the last pic, so sweet!

  2. Happy father's Day to NATE DOG!!! PS LOVE LOVE LOVE (can you tell my love) that O town shirt! can you get one in my size adult L ...seriously I would wear it!

  3. LOVE your new header! :) That last pic of Grey and his Daddy is soooo sweet.

    Happy Father's Day to your hubby! Hope you all have a wonderful day.

  4. happy father's day nate! -molly
