
Friday, June 17, 2011

Baby Shelf

Grey and I were enjoying a little bowl of ice cream last night and Baby Ernat allows for a nice little shelf there - how bout' it?!

It's been a good run for me this pregnancy.  God has blessed me with the privilege of carrying 2 babies for 9 months.

But, at 9 months pregnant I'm just ready.  My ribs hurt, my pelvic bones hurt, I have heartburn 24/7 and I AM SUPER TIRED ALL DAY LONG!

Baby E,
We cannot wait to meet you love.  The anticipation is killing us...See you soon lil' peanut!

Happy Friday!


  1. It won't be long now! Can't wait to hear boy or girl!!!

  2. enjoy these last few days being so close to him/her! :) -molly

  3. hope your last days go super smooth! :)
