
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

We have a Secret

and we're just gonna blurt it OUT......We are pregnant with Baby Ernat #2!!!

We are screaming with!

I am only 9 weeks so it is still pretty early, but we told our families and the news seems to be spreading so I wanted to get it on here before everyone knew.  We are very excited!  Baby Ernat is due early July.  We also have our first sonogram on Thursday, so I canNOT wait for that.

We didn't really tell our families in any special way, I just got on the phone one day and called my mom because I HAD to tell her and my dad.  Then it was time to tell the Ernats so Nate got on the phone and told them.  They were all thrilled.  Then, we told the rest of our family on Thanksgiving.  We always go around the table as we hold hands and everyone has to say one thing they are thankful for, so when they got to us we said we were thankful for our family and our baby that's on the was pretty cool!

We were not trying so we were pretty surprised.  I think I will just leave that part at that;)  Anyway, I have been feeling pretty good.  I'm just so tired and feel like I have NO energy.  I put Grey down at 7:30 and then I am right behind him.  I am still getting up early though and working out.  I'm not running like I was doing, so instead I just do the elliptical and only for about 45 minutes.  Then I like to do my lunges.  I also have the annoying "teenage" acne which I have to keep reminding myself that I had the same thing with Grey and that too shall pass.  I have had a couple "icky" feeling mornings, but nothing terrible at all.  I'm eating like a champ, but trying to be healthy.  I bring an apple for lunch everyday and a boiled egg.  It's not that I'm craving eggs yet though I just like to eat them:)  (remember how I craved them with Grey)  The only thing was that at the very beginning when I first found out I was pregnant which already seems like forever ago, so you can only imagine how early I knew......I was soooooooo thirsty.  I don't remember that with Grey.  I could just NOT get enough water.  Even my kindergartners were saying---geez Mrs. Ernat is thirsty.  But, that has subsided too now.  So, all in all it is going pretty good so far.  I have already been to the doctor for all the blood work, weight, and blood pressure check and all was good.  So, let's hope that continues.  I still don't know what I will do as far as a c-section goes.  We have a lot to think about and we need to weigh our options and really know what our situation is.  We absolutely DO NOT CARE if it is a boy or a girl.  If we are blessed with another boy-wonderful and if we are blessed with a girl-wonderful.  Whatever God gives us, we will be happy.  All we are praying for is a healthy, full term baby.  We also DO NOT want to find out what we are having this time.  In fact, Nate never wanted to know with Grey, but I had to know everything with my first one.  However, I want to be surprised this time around!

Once again, we have our sono on Thursday so I will keep you posted.

Here is a video we took of Grey last night.....he had us laughing...sorry it's a little dark

Sunday, November 28, 2010

He says forget the family pictures

I just wanna ride the horsey.......yep that's much more fun for a kid my age

see back and forth I go...

okay a real fast one for ya!

Look at Mr. Serious behind Grey

All of us just watchin' Grey like always

hey what can he say.....aside from the fact that he's entertaining

alright enough with the horsey...let's go outside and throw pumpkins over the hill at Dee Dee's because she thinks maybe next year she will have her own little pumpkin patch....we shall see?!

"Get back here mister" (a famous Dee Dee saying)

and now Grey's turn

there they go down the hill

Alright what are we doing next?

The Joy of Family Pictures

Not edited ONE bit.......and I bet you like em' a little fuzzy don't you......?

and better yet a 2 year old crying because he's DONE taking pictures

or wait is he going to snap out of it?

uhhhh....not so much.......

gotta love family picture taking.....

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bianchis and Farm-N-Fleet

So, last night we were just not feeling the turkey left overs.  Instead, we headed to the best pizza joint ever - Bianchis.......Nate didn't feel like driving all the way over to Ottawa, but guess who won that one?  He never does, but once he gets there.....he's good to go!  It was packed when we got there but we only had to wait about 20 minutes and believe me the 20 minutes was well worth the wait for the X-Large cheese, pineapple, and canadian bacon pizza that we ordered.  However, I ordered a sprite for me and a water for Grey.  I tried telling him that "you and Mommy have the same thing in our cups" but somehow he just didn't believe me not to mention the fact that he heard me say "sprite" when I ordered -lol!  so needless to say Grey had my sprite and I had his water....while daddy enjoyed some beer.....

After Bianchis, we headed over to Farm-N-Fleet because Grey's daddy wanted to check on some boots.  Grey was in heaven with all the cool trucks and tractors there.  He kept saying "mommy look at dis" -it was cute.  But, the only thing we have to show for our Friday night out is Grey's new hat!  It was $5 and the minute he saw it he wanted it on so I splurged.  He walked around the whole store with it on so I kinda had to buy it.

So, we came home and Grey was asking for ice cream....he was getting his spoon all ready, but first we needed to get into PJs

and that's just what we did.....Grey and I anyway.......we were in our comfy clothes, cowboy hat on, and some mint chocolate chip ice cream to eat........and since Nate didn't want ice cream I made him take some pics:)

Grey gobbled up the ice cream and then it was time for bed.......ya know since Nate had already read Grey's Santa book to him about 20 times......

Friday, November 26, 2010

Let the Friday Morning Cleaning Frenzy


Grammy Ann hooked us up last night with some Christmas PJs, some Santa books, and a countdown Christmas tree........a little Thanksgiving treat for Grey!  So, last night we rocked our holiday pjs for bed and we were good to go.  This morning Grey was up bright and early so we cleaned house.

He was pretty crabby though because he did NOT sleep one wink yesterday and I had one crabby baby this am!

So it's only about 9:30 and Grey is already back to sleep.  He was so crabby I couldn't take it anymore.  So I wrapped him in a blanket, gave him his binkie and rocked him to sleep.  He usually doesn't even let me rock him, but today he did and I LOVED IT!  He was asleep within minutes.  So, I am going to try to give him 2 naps today because he sure needs it!

On another note, we had a wonderful Thanksgiving.  Great food, great family, what more could you ask for.  Deb had both fireplaces going and it was very cozy!  Grey loves it when his WHOLE ENTIRE family is there!  However, I didn't take many pictures at all.  These were the only ones I took!

D and Craig stopped by Debs so that was sooooo nice to see them!

the kiddos

See I told you I didn't take that many.  Nonetheless, it was a wonderful day.  Now, while my baby is sleeping I'm off to finish cleaning.  Happy Friday!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Pies for Thanksgiving

Well I was dreading the grocery store this week, because well you know it was Thanksgiving week and it's always SO crowded, but nonetheless Grey and I made it there and it wasn't so bad.  I told all of you that I was in charge of two pies this year for Thanksgiving and I needed all of my ingredients of course.  So, instead of coming home yesterday and getting ready to go out like we used to do, Grey and I baked our pies:) 

A chef always needs a helper and he's the best!

We decided to go with a chocolate pie and a banana cream pie...

So first, we prepared our crust

Grey must have gotten a little confused when he grabbed muffin pans, but he's still the best cooking partner

Then after the pie crust you load the inside with fresh bananas....

Grey thought it was!

Then you pour the instant french vanilla pudding (after you make it of course) over all the bananas for the filling

and it's the same for the chocolate - you just use chocolate pudding....they are the best and so easy.  So, here they are.  Now, today I just have to add the cool whip to the top of them and I even bought a hershey bar for the chocolate pie.  You take a potato peeler and add shavings of chocolate to the cool whip.  Makes it look fancy.  I will post pics of the finish product, but I have not added my cool whip yet!  It's too early!

So, I was able to sleep in today until 6:30- and Grey didn't get up until almost 7:00 so thank you Grey!  It must have been my Thanksgiving treat!
We are headed to Oglesby today to celebrate our Thanksgiving feast.  A great day to be thankful for all of our blessings.  I hope all of you have a fabulous day with family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving!  I hope you eat lots of turkey and take a nice long nap today:)

Okay so I'm adding to this post today because I had time!  Here are the finished pies....they are all ready to go!

And here is my little man today fresh out of the tub and ready for his Thanksgiving!

I cooked breakfast this morning so we are all fed, showered and ready to head to Dee Dee's......we start early around here.  Nate is already at the bar with his brothers and cousins and Grey and I are heading to grammy's house......

Once again, Happy Thanksgiving!