
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

34 weeks along, my 2 year old, and the ice cream truck

Here's a few of the pregnant mama this week.

How far along?  34 weeks

Baby size?  size of a cantaloupe

Sleep?  Still up A LOT

Best moment this week?  Just knowing it's getting closer and closer and all the COMPLETE somersaults going on in my belly

Food Cravings?  None really...Although last night (monday) i was craving the Pizza House and so I made my boys take me there...garlic bread with cheese--yummmm!

What I miss at this point?  Nothing really - maybe being able to bend over and paint my toes - do you think Nate will do it for me???  ha! (I'll let you know how that one turns out)

Gender?  NOPE, but I can't wait to find out!!!!  But as a teacher friend told me this week if it's not a girl you know it's a boy-ha!

Pregnancy Symptoms?  HEARTBURN...

Milestones?  Once you've reached 34 weeks a lot of the problems associated with preemies goes away that is according to

In other pregnancy news I can't believe I'm due next month - OMG!!! 
It's kinda like the time has come and let me tell you I'm feeling some anxiety about it ALL!

And my 2 year old or should I say my 2 1/2 year old...well, my heart EXPLODES for this little boy....

And look what came down our street today ringin' its bells and playing that sweet music - the ice cream truck!  A KID summer staple!

I love that the ice cream truck still comes around and all the little kids run to get to's good ol' fashion summer fun...

Livy picked just the right one...

while Grey just couldn't decide...

But ended up with a batman treat - good choice!  He had a nice little treat after he ate his supper!


  1. You look great, Alicia! I can't believe that you're almost to the finish line! :)

  2. lookin' good momma! :) and oh that ice cream truck, i love it as well but that stinkin' thing comes down my street EVERY day ... LOL! but how can you say no to three little faces that are soooo excited?! :)

  3. Thanks girls!

    And Rach i'm laughing at you with the truck...I can def. say I would feel much different if it came down my street every SINGLE day! lol!
