
Monday, May 23, 2011

It's that time again...

for planting my flowers, Nate getting his garden ready, and good ol' yard work!  That's what we did this weekend - YARD WORK and let me tell you this prego mama was SHOT! 

I am really starting to get into and enjoy the little bit of flowers that I do.

Grey was all ready and a very good helper on this bright and early Saturday morning...

He was very serious about his planting...good thing the Easter Bunny brought him all the stuff he needed...

He helped me get the dirt all ready...His favorite job by far...

And the finished look...I packed this sucker FULL....This year I went with some supertunias, sweet potato plant, my vinca flowers and some other stuff I can't quite think of the name right now...I wanted to load it with vibrant purples and pinks so we shall see...A watering can for mommy, a watering can for Grey, and some miracle grow and we should have this baby up and blooming in NO time...

This is our yard man

and the best part

He doesn't charge us!  He's free for his work anyway...

So, Sunday night we capped off with a good ol' watering...

Baby Ernat and I watering while Grey ran around...(end of my 33rd week of pregnancy)

and of course Grey decided that his bike needed some work

and his tires needed some attention too!

But in between the hard work there was time for a break...

A daddy and Grey break...The best kind...

and one more of that BIG belly...look at that bump...

and of course, good conversation is always welcome

Yep, he's quite a yard man...that sweet boy of mine...

Happy Monday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. i have yet to plant my flowers ... oy! yours look beautiful! loving grey's hair too! :)
