
Monday, May 16, 2011

Fun in the City!

We snuck away this weekend to the fast paced, vibrant, fun, and lively city!  Always so much to do and so much to see.
(one view from our hotel)

But first, before we get to the city, I must tell you that Grey went on his first real train ride and loved it!  We took the train from Mendota up to the Windy city on Friday and it was the way to go.  Grammy Ann, Papa Mike, Nate, Grey, and I met Auntie Georgia, Uncle Adam, and Jayne up there to spend the weekend.  It was lots of fun and a nice little mini vacay for Grey.

All ABOARD!  As soon as Grey got on the the train he kept asking - "where's the conductor mommy?"

We arrived bright and early so Grey had time to play on the trains that were there...

When we got to Chicago, we checked into our hotel and then it was time to walk around and get some Lunch!  Nate of course was supporting the Cubbies...

While we walked, these two enjoyed the ride and looked totally hip in the city...they fit right in;)

We landed here.  My mom wanted to take the kiddos here and they thought it was pretty cool...

Inside the Rainforest in front of the fish tank...

The whole gang at the cafe...(one with Grey not looking)

and one more try - Jayne was content in Grammy's arms...

This was Jayne after lunch taking a "bathroom"!

Greyson had his eyes on everything...

But just wasn't too sure...(he was not a fan of the monkeys or gorillas)

and just for fun because he's a nut like that!

After lunch, we set these two up for a nice little snooze, while we walked to Michigan Ave. for some shopping.

Glad we brought the double stroller with us...Nate was able to get in some good practice for what he's up for;)

First STOP - Bloomingdales my friends - Could have shopped in there alright, but the boys - well they were in charge of the stroller and a whole other we quickly got our groove going...

Okay so you don't want Bloomingdales, well then we will just go get our make-up done!  You know since the kids were sleeping and all.... we thought it only appropriate for us girls to have none other than 'girl time'...okay so we told the boys to go shop around Macy's for a while and they did just that...and stopping in on us only a few times to see if we were done ALREADY-ha!  We just kept sending them back to roam around - oh yeah they were thrilled.  They had us laughing though because Nate was pushing the big double around and it was hard to fit in doors and such so the three of them (Nate, dad, and Adam) decided to just lift and carry the big thing up the escalator and they almost got stuck at the top of it - I'm sure they were quite a sight!  All while the kiddos were sound asleep!  They said the kids were almost tilted upside down going up this thing -ha!

Pretty Girls with our make-up all done and ready for our night out in the city...(Georgia was on a conference call)

After all our shopping was complete, we headed back to the hotel.  But first we needed a jolt from Starbucks...It's a city staple...right!  And we had to look like we fit in - ha!  just kidding!  There was no way of that especially with a nut running around in front of all of them taking pictures...

It was perfect timing, we had our jolt and the kids had just gotten up from their naps and ready to walk back!

Totally cheesy with our Starbucks!

Cute city couple...

Grammy Ann was getting some practice as well...cartin' that big thing around

Stay tuned...

as our city exploring continues...

MORE to come!


  1. Looks like it was a fun family trip! Can't wait to see more pics.

  2. chicago trips are always so much fun! awesome pics!

  3. Looks like you had a weekend full of fun adventures! The city is always a nice change of pace!
