
About Me

Hi there!  My name is Alicia and I'm so glad you stopped by!

This is me with my 2 babes.

I was born and raised in the Midwest and now raising my family here as well.  I married the love of my life on July 16th, 2005 better known as the layed back, casual, cool, calm, fisherman, surfer 'wanna-be' Nate!  We were high school sweethearts.  The only love I've ever known and I wouldn't want it any other way!

We have a son, Greyson, who was brought to us on November 2nd, 2008!  It was a pretty dramatic entrance into this world for me!  I was all ready for this natural birth but millions of hours later I had to have an emergency c-section.
He's our first born miracle!

(What our family looked like in 2010)

We also have a daughter, Sailor, who was brought to us on June 29th, 2011! 
Our 2nd born miracle!

This is what our family looks like now...the 4 of us

Fall 2012

Some things about me in no particular order:

I've been teaching kindergarten for 7 years.  This year would have been my eighth.  However, after having Sailor in June (2011), I decided to take a year off and stay home with my kids.  And let me just say that I am enjoying EVERY single minute of it.
(I did enjoy every single minute of it)....I am currently back to teaching - I went back August 2012 and am now teaching 2nd grade and I.LOVE.IT!  At first I was nervous about it but it's been a really good switch for me.

I'm a worrier.  I wish I wasn't but I'm SUCH a worrier.  And sometimes my 'worries' and insecurities get the best of me.  Something I need to work on daily.

I really do enjoy exercising.  It's my medicine.  Soon after I had Sailor I started running.  I love the way I feel afterwards.  I'm up to 9 miles.  I ran my first 10K in November2012 and I am currently training for my first 1/2 marathon.

I'm a total girly girl.  I love putting heels on and some dangly earrings.  (even though this is rare I still love to do it:)

I'm extremely close with my family and that's putting it mildly.

I love having a good girls night with friends.  (that's rare too but I squeeze them in because friends are important)

I consider myself kind of artsy.  I love to draw, doodle, and color.

Photography is a major passion of mine.  I love taking pictures of my family and anybody else I catch along the way.  After having Greyson, I bought my first dslr camera and am still learning tons of new stuff.  I have since upgraded to a new nikon dslr and my favorite lens is my 50mm1.4...

Most days during 'my free time' if there is any you can find me on amazon drooling over new lenses and other photography 'gear'.

I'm a social network junkie.  I love facebook, pinterest, and instagram is a new obsession of mine.

I am definitely TYPE A personality and OCD about a lot of things.

I'm OCD about my teeth and skin.  I floss WAY MORE than I should-ha! 

I still wear my retainers every night.

I blog because I really enjoy it, but most importantly I do it for my family.  I want to remember these times and I want my children to be able to read this someday and LOVE IT as much as I do!

(this is still a work in progress but I wanted to post it so you can get an insight of 'who' is behind this blog)

(updated on 3.2.13)

Thank you so much for stopping by!