
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Greyson's 5th Birthday Party

Grey is very much into the superheroes right now.  However, the ninja turtles are his ultimate favorite.  We had our families over and invited the neighborhood kids.  Grey told them to come as a superhero.  They got creative and looked super cute.

And now picture overload for you...

This was the littlest super hero and she went all out...

MOST of the crew...we have such a wonderful neighborhood...Grey loves all these kids....

We had a couple relay races for the kids, played, made s'mores, and even bobbed for apples!

So, we bobbed for apples and YES Nate was freaking out about then we put paper clips in the apples and had the kids 'fish' for them....but then a couple of the older kids wanted to put their heads in and then all of them wanted to try it ;-)  They LOVED it...and now I can say that my kids have bobbed for apples ;-)  (and I haven't heard that any of them got sick...ha!)

 It's the little things - right?!

My brother Adam's birthday is the 29th of October and we were so happy they were home....I put both their names on the cake!

 We had big pots of soup on the menu - Homeade chicken noodle soup, Homeade Potato soup, and Homeade chili - and all the toppings to go with it, turkey dogs for the kids, and I ordered the cake from Walmart.  Not to mention all the appetizers we started with...

Greyson's big gift was a basketball hoop from ALL his grandparents.  Not just any basketball hoop - this one -(a goalrilla -Nate found a pretty sweet deal on it though)-so his uncles got him a basketball...We are in the process right now of putting up the hoop.  It takes a little bit of time because it has to set in cement and so on...  He's a lucky little boy.

Happy 5th Birthday Greyson Lee!  We Love you to the Moon!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

10K Run today...

Today was the Canal Connection 10K run.  I did good last year, but this year I felt even better and stronger.  I remember crashing all day last year and feeling wiped, but not this year.  SO, I'm gonna tell myself I'm making progress with my running :-)

I was able to get 6.2 miles under my belt in about 53 minutes today.  I'll take that...I started getting a minor sideache but it went away - thank was a beautiful morning for a run and the fall colors were awesome...

My good luck charms 'pre' race...

This was right at the beginning of the race...

and this was right at the end of the race...I was just about to cross the finish line when I spotted my family:-)

This is my friend, neighbor, and running buddy Jenny -I LOVE HER!!!  We are training together for our 1/2 marathon in March.
 and this would be her hubby Mike...he's pretty great as well...

and my family that was there to cheer me on!  So thankful!  I told them that knowing they are at the finish line waiting for me is what gets me through the race.  My parents were both there as well - they had to sneak out a little early...

Carving Pumpkins...

Sailor LOVED it...Grey joined in here and there, but he was more interested in his basketball.  I think the pictures say it all.

 Her face says it all...she loved digging out the pulp and seeds...

Nate pulled out his drill this worked pretty good...

 We didn't get fancy by any means.  In fact, I believe Nate's exact words were - "Leesh, take a picture of our pumpkin throwing up."
 I know, aren't we artistic ?-ha!

 Just some goofin' around and posin' for the my kids:-)

And now I'm off to run a 10K today!  It's my second year doing the Canal Connection.  It's about 6.2 miles.  Wish me luck...I'll be sure to let you know how I do!

Happy Sunday Folks!