
Friday, November 30, 2012

It's a Holiday Pajama Party

We went to my friends house the other night and had a little birthday party for our girlfriend Lyla.  It's becoming a tradition to have a holiday pajama party for Miss Lyla and I.LOVE.IT!  The kids always look so cute in their festive pj's and it's a great way to kick off the holiday season with the kids.

There was a lot of crafting going on...

Sister is really into crafts these days...her favorite is a glue stick;) but she's also getting better with a crayon.

So fun!

Happy Friday!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tis' the Season...

We've been busy around here decorating for Christmas.  I worked on the outside of our house for almost 3 days and finally have it to where I like it:)

I've had my Michael Buble Christmas CD on most of the weekend as well...Sailor has been rocking out to Jingle Bells like a pro... She sure knows how to shake it and Greyson is just SO excited for this upcoming season...

Tidbits from our weekend...

 Sister just waking up from her morning nap...
Every once in a while I send Grey under Sailor's crib to see what we can find;)  On this day we found one lonely purple sock...

We discovered our tub had a hole in it on Sunday - so Sailie took a quick one in the sink... as you can see it's not a very deep one...

 Enjoying a mid morning snack...

and off she goes...sister is always on a mission...I'm really loving the way she's into her baby dolls lately...she wants to carry them wherever she goes...

We also went and bought our tree...we needed a bigger one this year because of our cathedral ceilings in our house...

 he took some time out to smell the good stuff...

we found 'the one'...she's a 10 footer this year...
This was sure a 'treat' let me tell you - ha!
 caught these two as we were checking out:)

And yes Woody is back...he's been hiding in some pretty good places...Grey looks for him every morning...

The older I get the more I love holiday dishes...I have pulled out my Christmas plates -LOVE!

And while I cooked supper last night these two little angels kept me company.  I turned the TV OFF, turned the Christmas music ON, and we colored and talked...

I cooked us up a little Shrimp Scampi last night...
and in between cooking...

And of course, since Woody our elf is back we needed to refresh our memory and read our book that came with him... :)

We bought both of the kids their own Christmas trees for their bedrooms.  So, after supper we decorated them.  Grey's favorite color for the moment is RED so he insisted on red decorations for his tree.
We stumbled upon power ranger ornaments so they were a must have;)

In between decorating..

As for Sailor, she didn't get into decorating her tree as much as Grey;)  So, I think I ended up doing it...Sister has a pink tree in her room....and this is how it turned out...

They both look so sweet and festive in their bedrooms....the only kicker was that we had to put them on their dressers so that a certain little tootie doesn't pull them or knock them down...

We haven't decorated the big 10 footer yet...that will be next...