
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Boo Bash for Grey!

We are getting ready to party around here.  Today we are celebrating Greyson's 2nd birthday!  The Boo Bash will begin around 4 and we can't wait.  We have some special guests coming.....

The invites this year....front...

and the inside....

It's all about the Green and Frankenstein today......

and we even have a jumpy house today for the occasion.....we set it up last night

Greyson "helped" of course

checkin' it out


loved it to say the least...

Stay tuned of course for all the pics to come.......Greyson's turning 2 and I can't believe it!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My 23 Month old

Well really he's a week shy of turning two, but it's better late than never.  So my 23 month old it is! 

For starters my 23 month old is pure JOY and all BOY!  All he does is TALK TALK TALK from the minute he wakes up in the morning until the time he goes to bed.  This has been going on for quite some time now.  I think he speaks really good, but I'm sure most parents do -hah!  Greyson repeats everything we say and talks in sentences most of the time.  He also knows all of his colors and we are currently working on counting.  We have not started potty training yet and to be honest it's nothing I'm concerned about.  I will do's just a matter of having the time to do it......

He absolutely always NEEDS something in his hands (still don't know what this means) - I mean no matter where we are going he needs to bring something with us and usually it is a tool.  Greyson loves tools and to him every tool is a "manny" tool.  No matter if we are at Papa Mike's or Papa Davey's or if he's with his daddy he has to go through their toolboxes and pick out just the right one.  Somedays this is an argument because of course he doesn't always pick "safe" manny tools to carry around.

He LOVES LOVES LOVES to be outside.  He also loves doing yard work.  To him....he is in heaven if he's able to cut the grass, rake the leaves, or use the!  He only has to see something once and there he is trying to do it.  For example, this past weekend Nate was starting the blower and Greyson was all eyes, sure enough Nate sets the blower down and Greyson is showing us how he can "pull" the starter on the thing.  Nothing gets past him.

He still also loves his binkie.  We try to only use it at night time and in the car.  But, I know he would have it all the time if I let him.  He jumps like it's nobody's business and has been doing this for a long time now.

Greyson currently goes to "school" two mornings a week and loves it.  He is always the one in charge of the glue for any art projects and is the first one in line for his sticker from Miss Sue.

He does have a temper though.....can you believe that?  hah!  My sweet, calm, patient little boy since the day we brought him home from the hospital.....the one who never cried-EVER and was so layed back....yeah that same one can have some meltdowns here and there.  But, I'm hoping it's just the age.  We do have to give our fair share of time outs here and the minute we put him in one it's "sauwy mommy"  which he's also picked up on and he thinks now the minute he says "sauwy" that he's out of time out......not that easy buddy...

He makes us laugh everyday and brings life our way.  He's just the best!  He truly is my air some days!  I can't get enough of him and when we are together I just can't stop kissing him.  I could really just eat him but I don't -hah!  But, Nate can tell you I say that all the time - "seriously, couldn't you just eat him?"  lol!

He loves any sport you throw his way and he's gotten pretty good at playing catch.  He also loves when his daddy takes him fishing or when they go to papa Davey's and "work" on the boat.

Greyson still wakes up super early though......6:30 everyday.  And he's always in bed by 7:30.  And always goes down for a nap at 12:30 -usually till' 2:30 or 3.  I'm very structured with all of that and we stick to the same routine every single night.  It's dinner, play time, bath time, book time, then in the crib with all his binkies. - always by 7:30....I am such a big believer in truly makes for a happier child when they are well rested.

He loves reading books.  Currently, his favorite is Clifford's Halloween Howl...tis' the season of course.

He loves to rough house with his daddy and snuggle with his mommy.

Greyson still goes to Grammy Ann's house every morning and then takes his afternoon nap at grandma Joyce's....

He loves seeing grammy Ann and uncle Alex in the morning and Ebby too.....

He also loves to point everything out when we are in the car...for example, he points to every school bus, semi, truck, car, bike rider - anything he sees he tells me about.......

and of course, he's always stylin'!  especially when grammy Dee Dee buys him gray and red "diego" socks...

He reminds me everyday to stop and take it all in....because he SURE does...

this is the face I get when I ask him to show me his teeth....

and these are the things that thrill him and this is my point exactly of taking in the small things...

he was so excited yesterday when we took a walk in the woods behind Dee Dee and Papa Davey's house.......he can't get enough of the outdoors

this day just happened to call for his keys in hand

and he really really really wanted to work on the boat, but it just wasn't the right time;)

So, there you have it - he's my 23 month old precious little boy who's about to turn 2......He has rocked our world...

We love you Greyson Lee

Monday, October 25, 2010


was in a parade!  Oh you know just a tiny little halloween parade for all the littles in town......where they strutted their stuff for about 4 or 5 blocks.....some were walkin', some were on shoulders, and some were in was ALL GOOD!  Saturday was a FULL day for us...between the boo bash at the Y, a nap when we got home, waking up a toddler for a halloween parade, and then hanging out at a friends house that night.....we were pooped......but it was all in good fun and of course good spirits.....

Of course before the parade Greyson needed to see the firetruck

Frankenstein was ready to go

with his scar and all

we were able to see our friend Brody the cow....

Brody wanted to see if Frankenstein had any treats....

Frankenstein also patiently waited for the parade to start....

but soon wanted someone to hold him...he's lucky he's such a cute Frankenstein

so daddy picked up Frankenstein....

The cupcake was also at the parade....I know I don't have to tell you how much Grey loves this cupcake

"Frank" had a nice view of the parade from where he was.....he decided that 4 blocks of walking was just not for him

Mommy and her cupcake

Then Frankenstein decided to get down and reach for a sucker....this carried him through to the end:)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Boo Bash at the Y

Presenting the cupcake and Frankenstein!!!  Yes, we decided to go with Frankenstein this year.  He hated the monster, and he might actually want to be a fisherman when he's a little older so that's how we chose Frankenstein.....

So, this morning we went to the Boo Bash at the Y.  They had a ton of games set up and prizes.  Livy liked it, but Grey on the other hand was pretty content eating his bag of cheerios or having me hold him.  They had all the sesame street characters there, which Grey liked too and he was waving to all of them.  But the minute they came close to him to shake his hand or something it was "mommy hold you"........And would you believe I didn't bring my camera to it,....but I did take their pictures before we left!

I thought I had black eyeliner but I didn't, so this Frankenstein had a brown scar.

So to show for it we have a "cutest costume" ribbon (which every little kid got-hah!) and a cute little ghost that Grey I made....

So, Frankenstein it is this Halloween!