
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Not in the plans...

First of all, we made it to Hawaii!  Woohoo!

We were set to leave Thursday when I got home from school.  I came home and was doing some last minute cleaning and packing.  We were not in any hurry because all we were doing was driving to the hotel to stay the night and leave early the next morning for our flight.

Grey has been battling a cough and cold for a while now.  I was just at quick care with him 2 weeks ago and they said it was a virus and it had to run its course.  Fast forward to now.....

Thursday he started complaining of his ear.  I was running around like a mad woman so I honestly didn't think too much of it.  But within an hour (when we were ready to leave) he was crying in pain about his ear.  So, we had no other choice but to take him to quick care and THANK GOODNESS we did.  Come to find out Grey has an ear infection and STREP throat.  I was almost in tears....I mean we are set to go on vacation and my poor little guy is sick....the doctor prescribed him medicine and said that in a couple days he would be feeling better.

I was nervous on the flight.  Just the fact of being confined like that with two little kids for an ENTIRE DAY - OMG!  We had a layover in San Francisco which probably saved us.  They both slept.  Sailor slept for 2 hours on the first flight and then both of them slept almost 3 hours on the second flight.  I.WAS.SHOT!  And to make things worse Grey was running a fever.  However, the fever broke and we can tell the medicine has started to 'kick-in'.
these were my kids after the flight....
we were cracking up at Sailor because by the time she hit San Francisco she was totally loopy-hahaha!
So to say the warm weather feels good is an understatement....I swear we needed it just to get healthy.  Uncle Just picked us up at the airport.  We got settled, picked up some groceries, showered, and then let the kids run around at a nearby play area.  Then we crashed!

Happy Easter to all of you!  We are headed to the beach today!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

An Irish Celebration...

Last weekend we joined in on the St. Patrick's Day festivities that were going on around town.  We started our Saturday with a parade.

Sailor was home sleeping so Nate stayed home with her....

You can never have enough beads on...
(Alex, Giuliana, mom, dad)

after the parade we headed over to Dee Dee's for a little St. Patrick's Day party...we had corned beef and cabbage, carrots, potatoes and of course some fun green desserts;)

how Saturday nights have changed for some of us;)
I bought this dress a long time ago before I had kids (i found it on ebay).....It was for one of my good friends and when her girls grew out of it she gave it back to me for Sailor....i thought that was really nice...

Yummy pinterest dessert that my aunt Amy made...

cousins are the best...

the green river was flowing...

(phone pics from the night)

And Sunday morning we had a surprise visit from 'Lucky' the leprechaun...
 NOT a real puppy....but this one dances and shakes its booty;)

Lucky also left us a trail of green and gold coins and some candy to pick up...

And right now I am starting to freak out because we leave for Hawaii FRIDAY....I can't believe it's already here!!!  I have started to pack and I'm a little overwhelmed but so excited.  I just hope my kids do alright on the LONNNNNGGGGG flight.  Say a prayer for us...Thanks!

 See...I'm showing you my 'freak out/overwhelmed/notsurewhatdirectiontogoin' face...

Friday, March 15, 2013

Kickin' it St. Patty's Day Style...

Wishing you a happy Friday and lots of Irish luck!  ;)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Spreading some 'Green' cheer...

Well we were supposed to be spreading some green cheer, but it never happened...

I gave my two littles a bath and got them all ready for the St. Patrick's Day parade.  However, all day I wasn't sure if I 'felt' ok...then at about 3:00 I hit a wall...I had terrible sinus drainage, a headache, sore throat, stiff neck, and my legs had that shaky feeling - I despise being we all changed back into our pajamas, ordered some food, and I was in bed at 7:00...i was really bummed out...

 this was at lunch time...

 the time change might be making sister loopy...

 feeding eachother and acting silly...
Happy Sunday...I hope your weekend is going better than ours;)

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snow 'Ain't' Stoppin' Round' Here...

So, what do we do?

We get out and enjoy it.  We are snowed in today...sort was we've been able to enjoy 4 days off...
Nate is like a kid in a candy shop on this thing...

We put Grey and Sailor on the sled and tied it to the 4 wheeler...they had a BLAST doing this...

you never know what you're gonna get with these two...

I believe Auntie Mims was the queen and the littles were "imposters"...
Dee Dee's work out for the day...

There they go...they almost hit a tree...thank goodness the sled stopped just in time.....woops....

Even Murphy went for a ride...

 Sailor was shot until we gave her a rice krispie treat;)
And this was Friday night...right before we went out for some pizza...Sailor had me laughing...she picked these black boots out all on her own...
 I mean c'mon...she wants to wear her boots, grabs her purse and cell phone and then she's good to go...Grey was also my little biker dude and we did not plan this...i promise...

Happy snow day to you...even if the sun is shining in your neck of the woods;)