
Saturday, March 31, 2012

We saw the Easter Bunny

We took the kids today to see the Easter Bunny at the mall.  I thought Sailor was gonna freak, but she didn't.  And Greyson was all smiles.  ha! 

 A pic from my phone...

And this morning Grey, Dee Dee, and daddy went to a local Easter egg hunt.  I stayed back while Sailor napped.  I told Nate to take some pics with his phone.

We're kickin' off this Easter week the right way!

Friday, March 30, 2012

9 months old

Our sweet, little angel baby is 9 months old already!  Nine months in and now nine months out...CRAZZAY!

We actually just got back from the doctors office.  Sailor had to get 3 shots today but she did really good.  She is 80th percentile for height but she only weighed 16 lbs...that's 10th percentile for weight.  So, Dr. Bob wants to see her gain some weight.  It actually made me a little nervous because the nurse weighed her twice thinking that their scale wasn't working.  Sailor is a breastfed baby but I'm actually ready to be done.  With that being said, I have been trying to give her formula and the girl acts like it's the WORST thing in the world.  I might have to experiment with a few different kinds.  So, we are working on that.  She eats three meals of baby food a day (a veggie and fruit) and I must say she's a GREAT little eater.  She loves her food!  Who doesn't, right?!

I have started to give her table food here and there and she has gobbled it right up.  A little bit of bread, some chicken, meatloaf, green beans, mashed know what I mean...and she loves her puffs.  We have also started using the sippy cup, but we need some work with it.

You are IN to everything.  You want to 'go' so bad but you are not quite crawling yet.  Insead, you butt scoot:)  Daddy has recently started calling you "scooter"...Greyson never did this, so we find it funny!  I will put you down in one spot and then the next thing I know you are half way across the room.  So, butt scooting seems to work for you.  I keep putting you up on all fours but you just won't budge with it.

You have just recently started sleeping through the night and I must say it's WONDERFUL!  I let you 'cry it out' a couple nights last week and it worked.  If you get up I just slip the binkie back in your mouth and back to sleep you go.  I usually put you down around 7:30/8:00 and you sleep until 7am...

You take two naps a day.  One at 9am and another one at about 1:30/2.  Your morning nap is always a good one.  It usually lasts until 11:00 but your afternoon nap is only a little over an hour.

You love love love to clap your hands and wave to people.  It's your 'thang'...

Whenever you hear music you start dancing.  It's so cute.  You've got some rhythm girl already!

You say da-da constantly and ya-ya...and a bunch of other non words pretty much all day long.  We love the babbling.  It's so fun!

You still do not have any teeth.  I talked with the dr. about this today but he says they will probably come ALL at once.  So, that should be lots of fun little girl!

Your hair keeps growing more and more and you are the cutest little blondie!  Your eyes are still the prettiest blue and your lashes are SOOOOO long!

 We do songs and finger plays all the time and you love it.  You enjoy being read to especially your new books with patty cake and the itsy bitsy spider.  Your brother and I are constantly trying to do 'so big' with you, but you prefer just to stare at us being goofy:)  And you LOVE peek-a-boo!
 You are definitely a mama's girl and we have become very attached to one another.  When I set you down or leave the room, there are usually some cries, but they don't last long.  You just like to see my face and hear my voice and then you are good to go.

You are just the best thing!

Happy 9 months baby girl!  We LOVE you so much!

Happy Friday!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Date night!

Saturday night grammy Ann came over to watch the kids so that Nate and I could go to dinner.  We left the house at 5:30 and we were back...wait for it...........8:30!  I know!

But let me tell you those three hours were wonderful.  We ordered cocktails, appetizers, a few more cocktails, and then we had our meal.  It was perfect.  No interruptions.  Just the two of us enjoying eachother and some good conversation.

Nate asked if I felt like going out for a little bit after dinner, but honestly we were both tired and he didn't care at all, so we just went home.

As soon as we walked in the door, Grey was super excited and said, "ok mommy, you can wash off your lipstick now!" 

That kid cracks me up;)

Boo to Mondays

This is what Sailor says to rainy, dreary Mondays:(


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Some things to Share...

Last night I tried a recipe from Pinterest.  It was going to be Parmesan Crusted Tilapia but it ended up being Parmesan Crusted Cod. 

When I got to the grocery store they only had farm-raised tilapia and I was being picky for once because believe me I AM NOT PICKY about this kind of stuff usually.  So then I had to get the WILD cod.  I used the same recipe though and it was really good.  It can be found here.  And it was super easy and I'm ALL about easy!

And we added in some fresh asparugus, a salad, a twice baked potato for Nate, and some fresh fruit.
 It was yummy!  Greyson even liked the fish.  Sailor is not quite there yet;)

Oh and while I cooked I had some of this...can you believe this is the first time I've tried Summer Shandy?  I can't!  Where have I been?  So good!

After dinner we decided to take a ride out to Nate's parents house.  Once we got there we pulled out the 4 wheeler and went for a few rides in the woods. 
First up...this mama!
sorry for the blurry picture...Dee Dee was trying to take it while holding Sailor...
yikes, but you get the idea... 

Of course, Greyson does not go anywhere without that lighsaber...

And this would be today...Nate and Greyson did a little fishing this morning...and they caught quite a bit...some blue gill and some crappie

Fishing buddes for life:)

Sailor just wanted to grab it and squeeze...haha! 
She will be going on these little fishing trips soon enough.

And just a couple of my sweet Sailor in the tubby today because she was IN NEED of one;)  She may or may not have gone 2 days without one...stinky lil' girl this morning is ALL better - ha!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Friday Phone Dump

Happy Friday to all:)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Tuesday afternoon I came down with the stomach flu. 

I went to the Y in the morning and then the kids and I met friends and played in the park for a couple hours.  We came home and I put the kids down for their naps.  I started working on some pictures and immediately had to run to the bathroom.  I started vomiting.  It was TERRIBLE!

I just kept praying that noone else in the house would get it and so far everyone else has been fine.

One thing is for sure, it's not good when mama is sick:(

Don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful for my mom and Deb and my husband.  My mom and Deb helped with the kids and as soon as Nate got home from work he took over all duties.  Nate is a natural.  He is a hands-on dad for sure.  Feeds the kids, changes poopy diapers, and does whatever he needs to just like me.

But yesterday when I was in bed ALL day I couldn't help but think how much my babies need me.  They just do.  I then started to think about all the children who have to grow up without their mommy.  So sad.

I'm the one they come to in the middle of the night.  I'm the one they run to when they're hurt.  I'm the one they want when they're sick.  I'm the one who makes it all better.

It was comical listening to Nate & the kids yesterday from our bed and when I walked out of our room the house looked like a tornado had hit;)  And although my head hurt to laugh I couldn't help but find it funny.

And even though I was only down for a day and a 1/2, I missed my babies.  I missed kissing them and squeezing them.  (i tried to stay as far away as possible)  But, I did have to nurse Sailor.

Today I am feeling much better and I have already started disinfecting EVERYTHING.  All the sheets in the house are washed and blankets too.  I went around and disinfected all the door knobs as well.  But Grey keeps asking where we are going today and I had to tell him that we are just laying low.  He's used to being on the go.  Poor kid...hopefully we can get out of the house tomorrow.  Luckily, Sailor doesn't seem to mind;)

Here are some pics of our park day on Tuesday.  Everything looked so good that day until about 4:00 hit...yikes that stuff comes on FAST...ick!!!

 a little taste of Spring that we caught on our way to the park

This is Grey's cousin/friend Landon...

Elena likes her new baby brother Brex.

Brex enjoying some kisses from his mommy

 Brex and Kathi (Landon's mom)

This had me cracking up...Sailor likes Brex...haha!

And that just about sums up our park day.

I think I hear Sailor getting up from her morning nap, so I'm signing off for now.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The sun was just starting to rise when we heard a tap at our door....we hurried to see but no one was there...

We know leprechauns are tricky but we were sure we'd catch one...

Unfortunately, we didn't catch any on Saturday but we were greeted with some little surprises...

Tiny surprises consisting of a little wheelbarrow filled with books, 2 plush green bears, 2 foam swords, a puzzle, and we must not forget the doughnuts the leprechaun left...with green sprinkles and all...
 Not to mention the green coins that lined our walkway all the way to the front door...Fun, Fun on this St. Patrick's Day of ours!

Sailor thought the heck with the foam swords....I'm going right for the goods....

Grey quickly caught on...

The leprechaun brought Miss Sailor new books, so she is set with all new songs to learn.  'Patty cake patty cake' here we come....and a little 'head shoulders knees and toes....knees and toes'
Sister is gonna know all of them in NO TIME...  :)

Love me some 'morning' eyes....The two of them had just gotten out of bed...

Grey decided to hoard his green coins once we got inside...

After we came in the house everyone had breakfast, got showered, and we all put on some GREEN...we had a parade to get to...

Sister liked the green coins

Some shamrock tights and green lizard shoes added just the right touch...

We tipped back a little apple juice and off we went...

My crew was all nestled together waiting for the parade...

Auntie Kathy's favorite holiday is St. Patty's Day....she's ALL IRISH!

We like to be festive up in here.

I have to admit (in case you can't already tell) I get into all these little holidays.  I love to dress my kids up for different occasions and take part in whatever we can.  The 'magic' of it all is so fun.

We were laughing because Kathy just knew everybody in the parade...and she was front and center hoarding all the candy for the kids ;)

We told her she might be the next mayor?!  haha!

A friendly wave from grammy Ann may have gotten us some extra goodies ;)

The parade definitely delivered and we have a whole bag of candy to show for it...

(LOVE Grey in this one)

Finally mama was able to get in a pic...

and the family in green, yes they would be mine, thank you...and I think all three of them are pretty darn special...

After the parade it was HOME for some much needed REST for everyone...

The kids slept pretty good and then it was back outside...

oh these two...

And soon it was time to head over to Aunt Kathy's house for some corned beef and cabbage...It wouldn't be St. Patrick's Day without that for a meal...
 Yayyy for festive holidays

The rest of the night was spent outside relaxing and enjoying eachother's company while the kids ran around.

Dee Dee and Auntie Mims enjoying a cocktail...

And guess what Grey brought over to play with his cousins?

It was a lightsaber war!

and a race car flag to prove it;)

And another good thing about Aunt Kathy's house is that we always get LIVE performances...
Scene 1...

 Here is the theater person...  :)  Mary Rose will be in Fiddler on the Roof this coming weekend!

and these two had the special job of getting us to each scene...and I quote "scene 2 take action"  "scene 3 take action"...they even did the arm movements...(I believe that's what Auntie Mims was doing up above)

Job well done for sure...we were very entertained!

We had a full day of green fun and by the time we got home I was exhausted.  I didn't even have it in me to give the kids a was more like wipe them each down with a wipe and put them to bed.  That's what went down, but I guess that means we had a great day:)  And both of them slept really good.  Greyson slept until 7:30 and Sailor slept until 7!  (that's good for mine)

Happy St. Patrick's Day we say to you!