
Friday, March 16, 2012

An Evening at the Lake

It feels like Spring around here.  There has been nowhere else for us to be other than outside.  From the minute Grey wakes up he has been asking to break 'free'...

It feels good to have all my windows open in the house and the heat turned OFF.  The only thing that I can clearly see is that I need to do some serious SPRING cleaning (for example-CLEAN MY WINDOWS!)...What's on your Spring cleaning 'to do' list?  That could be a whole other post, right?!  blah blah blah - boo to cleaning...

moving on........

Last night we took the kids out to Lake Wildwood.  It's a little bit of a drive so we tried to 'make out' some clouds along the way...We agreed on a whale and an excavator in the sky;)

It's always a process for us to reach our destination...between making sure I have everything for the kids and packing up the car and yada yada yada...but it's always well worth it.  Last night called for our mini grill, some food, a cooler, a soccer ball, and of course a diaper bag.

Nate has been biting at the bit for some Spring fishing.

 Sailor and I enjoyed the view while Nate fished...I kept saying "it's so calming out here"...if I said that to Nate once I said it 10 more times and every time he agreed:)

Another fishing buddy for daddy...he's one lucky guy because now he has two fishing partners...
(Grey had fallen asleep in the car for a little bit so we let him sleep since he decided to boycott his nap earlier) 

Sailor didn't know what to do with the wind...she kept having to catch her breath...

Once Grey woke up we headed right for the sandy beach...

and I watched my family walk the dock...I'm so THANKFUL for these people...

Sailor and I watched the boys kick the soccer ball around for a bit....

The sand felt good between our toes....and of course it was EVERYWHERE else by the time we got home:)

Future lifeguard on duty?  What do you think? 

This is Nate's new little purchase...a mini was our first time using it and it worked pretty darn good for $30...

After supper we spent some time on the playground...

Sailor was getting the BIGGEST KICK out of Greyson going down the slide.

HE was our entertainment!!!

And to end the night we hit up some swings...

Swings at sunset is LOVE at first sight.... :)

Great family night...

Happy Friday to you and yours!


  1. Looks like a fabulous night!

  2. Great pictures:) What a fun night! It's always nice to do something a little different!
