
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Stay Tuned...

As we say ALOHA to "Uncle Justie" this Memorial Day weekend...

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fishing Buddies

It's no secret that Nate likes to fish and he's passing the torch onto Greyson in some way or another.  Grey usually lasts the first 10 minutes (lol)....he watches Nate put the bait on, reels a little bit, and then he's done....but he always comes back to check in or just pick up the pole...

Grey brought his butterfly net to catch 'something' in it...He was READY

There were no butterflies fluttering around so Grey decided he wanted the fish in his net...hey at least he had something in there...right?!

I promise you we only left the fish in there for a couple seconds and then it was back in the lake...

But before they threw it back in, Grey wanted to touch it

Fishing Buddies...Yes indeed...

Of course he's always dressed for the part...Maybe

 And this one makes me laugh because Grey just happened to pick up the pole (ya know the whole going back and checking in thing) and started reeling it in and he just so happened to catch a fish and didn't even know!

Then it was time for some rock fun - the two year old way

He's a rock stud here

and one for pickin' up sticks

Nothin' like a hard day of fishing and running around

The serious yet studly fisherman...

and his sidekick...

And in between his "busy" schedule this week Grey even managed to stop out at Papa Davey's state headquarters and ride in some of the big tractors...he LOVED it! (iphone pics)

he thought it was just the coolest....thanks Papa Davey!  Can you see him in there?

And so on this Friday I leave you with this...I told you we are trying...we're gettin' there one way or another!  Is he gonna love seeing this when he's older or what?!  (Nate told me not to post these, but I had to post just ONE)  This was the other night and he told us not to watch him so we both hid behind the wall where he couldn't see us and then I snuck out to take a picture...ha!
Happy Friday!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What I'm Feeling/Thinking.

  • Overwhelmed
  • But FIRST and foremost I'm feeling BIG and pregnant and creeping up on week 35
  • My feet seem to be swollen at night
  • kicks in my ribs that are starting to be very strong
  • I feel bad that Baby Ern doesn't really have a bedroom....we have a bassinet and if it's a girl I will have that thing as frilly and decked out as can be
  • I am so ready for summer break
  • But I am feeling anxious for what is coming very QUICKLY
  • I am also wondering how Grey will be with the new baby?  He has been the king around EVERYONE for so long...
  • I AM EXHAUSTED after body is really starting to feel it.
  • WE DON'T have a name yet and I mean we really DO NOT...yikes!
  • My thoughts and prayers go out to the people who have endured these terrible storms and lost everything
  • I canNOT wait to meet this new little person growing inside me
  • I just pray that Baby Ernat is healthy and all goes well
  • We  had a little scare at school this week...because there was a case of fifths disease but since it was NOT in my room my doctor was not too concerned.
  • I still have to get out some of Grey's bins and pull out the newborn stuff...wash...put away...etc...
  • We still need to potty train Greyson...we are trying a little bit at home but not full blown yet.  That is my plan as SOON as school is DONE.  You just have to be committed and we have not been...we just have not been home enough.
  • I am looking forward to the long weekend - it should be fun.
  • And I canNOT wait to be home with my BABIES - only 4 more days...

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

34 weeks along, my 2 year old, and the ice cream truck

Here's a few of the pregnant mama this week.

How far along?  34 weeks

Baby size?  size of a cantaloupe

Sleep?  Still up A LOT

Best moment this week?  Just knowing it's getting closer and closer and all the COMPLETE somersaults going on in my belly

Food Cravings?  None really...Although last night (monday) i was craving the Pizza House and so I made my boys take me there...garlic bread with cheese--yummmm!

What I miss at this point?  Nothing really - maybe being able to bend over and paint my toes - do you think Nate will do it for me???  ha! (I'll let you know how that one turns out)

Gender?  NOPE, but I can't wait to find out!!!!  But as a teacher friend told me this week if it's not a girl you know it's a boy-ha!

Pregnancy Symptoms?  HEARTBURN...

Milestones?  Once you've reached 34 weeks a lot of the problems associated with preemies goes away that is according to

In other pregnancy news I can't believe I'm due next month - OMG!!! 
It's kinda like the time has come and let me tell you I'm feeling some anxiety about it ALL!

And my 2 year old or should I say my 2 1/2 year old...well, my heart EXPLODES for this little boy....

And look what came down our street today ringin' its bells and playing that sweet music - the ice cream truck!  A KID summer staple!

I love that the ice cream truck still comes around and all the little kids run to get to's good ol' fashion summer fun...

Livy picked just the right one...

while Grey just couldn't decide...

But ended up with a batman treat - good choice!  He had a nice little treat after he ate his supper!

Monday, May 23, 2011

It's that time again...

for planting my flowers, Nate getting his garden ready, and good ol' yard work!  That's what we did this weekend - YARD WORK and let me tell you this prego mama was SHOT! 

I am really starting to get into and enjoy the little bit of flowers that I do.

Grey was all ready and a very good helper on this bright and early Saturday morning...

He was very serious about his planting...good thing the Easter Bunny brought him all the stuff he needed...

He helped me get the dirt all ready...His favorite job by far...

And the finished look...I packed this sucker FULL....This year I went with some supertunias, sweet potato plant, my vinca flowers and some other stuff I can't quite think of the name right now...I wanted to load it with vibrant purples and pinks so we shall see...A watering can for mommy, a watering can for Grey, and some miracle grow and we should have this baby up and blooming in NO time...

This is our yard man

and the best part

He doesn't charge us!  He's free for his work anyway...

So, Sunday night we capped off with a good ol' watering...

Baby Ernat and I watering while Grey ran around...(end of my 33rd week of pregnancy)

and of course Grey decided that his bike needed some work

and his tires needed some attention too!

But in between the hard work there was time for a break...

A daddy and Grey break...The best kind...

and one more of that BIG belly...look at that bump...

and of course, good conversation is always welcome

Yep, he's quite a yard man...that sweet boy of mine...

Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

This IS....

Thrilling Thursday Everyone!

So here goes...

This is a little boy that desperately needs a hair cut.  Let's call it a 'fro'...shall we?!

This is what bath time looks like every night...Greyson lines up all his favorite tubby toys to 'watch' him in the tub

This is called mommy playing around with her camera again while so called 'fro boy' is right in front of her in the tub...

and THIS....well this is a lady with a LOOK out!  Look at that's a big round basketball that keeps movin' on out...
This was me last night jammies and all...Baby Ernat at 33 weeks is the size of a pineapple and just over 4lbs...I haven't been sleeping very well at all.  Just up a LOT...Baby must be preparing me for all the nightly feedings ahead...