
Monday, May 2, 2011

May Day

brought on some flowers of course.

But before we got to the flowers, we started our Sunday with Church, breakfast out at Oakridge (love the atmosphere there), then fishing for daddy and Grey, and Target and grocery store for mommy.

Grey came home full of mud from head to toe - a true little fishing boy - after we cleaned him up it was onto nap...He took a nice long nap and when he got up we went and picked up flowers for Grammy Ann and Dee Dee.

We wanted to ring the doorbell and run away but it just wasn't in the picture for a two year old and a pregnant mama.  Our first stop was at Grammy Ann's.  I promise you she opened the door, I just didn't get a pic of it;)

My parents are having some road work done down by their house and there are some giant CAT tractors there, so we put Grey on for some pics.

He loved it.....He kept saying "Mommy I'm gonna drive one when I get bigger!"

Don't mind his outfit....he had just gotten up from his nap

The next stop was Dee Dee's....we even parked down at the end of their driveway and walked up to surprise her with her May Day bouquet...

She was surprised alright....

We capped the night off with some of this...

And Grey's May Day bouquet made the perfect centerpiece for Sunday night dinner...Oh and I wrapped both bouquet's in pink and blue just seemed more fitting for this particular May Day!
Can't beat it!

1 comment:

  1. Happy May Day! Grey looks pretty content on that tractor :)
