
Monday, May 31, 2010

In Loving Memory

of our grandmas and grandpas that we have lost.  Yesterday we took Grey out to the cemetary where both his great-grandparents are.  Grandma Marie Skerston (Debby's mom) and Grandma Verna Riva and Grandpa Alfred Riva (my dad's parents).  We brought out flowers and flags.

Nate was putting flowers on his Grandma Marie's grave.

Better known as "honey"

and I put the flags around my grandma and grandpas grave

This post leaves me feeling bittersweet as I write this.  These wonderful people that have been taken from us are sadly missed, but at the same time it makes me so grateful that I have grown up with grandparents my entire life.  I think about my grandma and grandpa Riva a lot and how I wish they were here to see me and my entire family.  They would be so overjoyed to say the least at ALL their grandchildren.  I remember their house in Oglesby and I remember their wishing well in the backyard. (that's what it was to me anyway)  Grandma Verna had skin like vanilla ice cream and loved her fashion.  It was never too much to catch her in some animal print clothes in the middle of the day!  And my grandpa "Butch" he loved to play with us, but once he got a hold of us there was NO letting became a game.  We loved them very much and these are some few memories that I will hold in my heart forever.  This is a picture of Grandma Verna and Grandpa "Butch" Riva.  Keep in mind it's an old picture obviously but one of my favorites.  Oh how I wish they were still here.
Can't you tell where my dad gets his looks?!  lol!

And this is Nate's Grandma Marie Skerston-"Honey"  (doesn't Deb look like her?)  I have been told many stories about "honey" but the two things that stick out most to me are.....the "doo" rags that we put you in Grey..."honey" started that.  She always used to put Nate and Uncle Just in bandanas when they were little so whenever I put your camo one on you it reminds me of "honey"....The other story I remember is when your dad was little Grey (about 2 or 3) grandma honey had a chicken coop in her backyard and one chicken tried to attack your dad....well let me tell you that was the end of that chicken.  Grandma Honey took that chicken and chopped the head off right then and there.  Nothing was going to attack her one and only Nate.

I think Nate and Grandma were at the zoo here.

And this leads me to my very own grandparents (my mom's mom and dad).  I have been lucky enough and blessed to have these two people in my whole entire life.  I've celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with them and I've also celebrated my grandpa's 80th birthday with him and so did you Grey.  We had the party about one week after you were born.  You and grandpa Hank are both scorpio's.  We were hoping you were going to be born on grandpa's actual birthday of November 11th, but you had other plans.  I visit with my grandparents everyday, and if I don't see them in person I make a phone call to see what's going on.  These are two extremely special people in our lives to say the least and now Greyson has been lucky enough to know them too!

Grandpa's 80th!

So, on this Memorial Day I wanted to take some time out and remember the people that have touched our lives, but also for the people who are living and that we cherish so much.  Where would we be without them?  So, thank you to ALL our parents (nate and mine) and grand-parents.  We love you very much!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend (Saturday)

Yesterday we headed over to Uncle Mike's and Aunt Kathy's for a picnic.  Uncle Mike turns 50 on Monday, so we were celebrating that along with "just because" it was Memorial Day weekend as well.  Let's just say it was really really really HOT!!!! 

I love all things seer sucker especially for babies.  I bought this outfit for Grey and I just thought it was so "baby" so I wanted to put him in it.  First of all, I love him in overalls, and it was white and crisp and he looked adorable.  The shirt underneath the overalls stayed on him for a little bit, but it was so hot so it came off really quick.

You can't see grandma Joyce in this picture but that's who Bella (uncle Mike's dog) and Grey were bellied up!  They both know where to go when they want food.

See...then it was time for the shirt to come off and the sunscreen to go on.  I smothered him in sunscreen...

One of many water breaks during the day

This is Gavin and Carter (they are twins).....I don't really know how to explain....but they are distant cousins.  You know how that goes don't you?  Kids you never see unless it's a holiday and someone is having a picnic kinda thing.  Anyway, they were about 2 last year and I could not believe how big they had gotten.  They looked like Grey last summer and now this....It made me kinda sad---you mommies know what I mean.

sitting on their grandma's lap

Grey's face was not exposed to the sun all day, but his cheeks get soooooooo red.  It sometimes makes me nervous with how hot he gets.  I kept offering him water.

Grandma "D-D's" cute summer sandals......Granny Ann wants a pair but she thinks the straps around the ankles will bug her...

Back-side view of my sweet pea

My grandpa Hank enjoying some good conversation

Then my mom had the idea to get a bucket of water and some plastic cups and let Grey go around and "water" everyone's flowers....hey, what the heck?

Well it didn't take long for all the kiddos to head over to Grey and grab some of his cups.  Hey, what can I say we are "trend" setters!  jk!  Anyway, I do know that we have to work on our sharing skills.  Grey had a hard time giving up his cups.  After a little tantrum, he was fine.

Then they were done with the flowers so they moved on to "d-d's" feet

and then to granny Ann

Then, Nate helped the kids refill their buckets of water

Grey decided to watch

Here comes Carter

Just a few more of my red faced little man

ice break

and one more close-up ....I tried to get one before he started all his playing..and Grey managed to get another little bump/rug burn on his forehead there.  He was running (what else) and tripped and this is what happened...thank goodness he was on carpet.....oh my poor kid's head...I tell ya!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Saturday morning work

I have to laugh because I would say we live in a "semi-elderly" neighborhood and whenever we (my family) are outside we have a lot of "eyes" on us let's just say so it's kinda funny!  We have been told many times that "they" just love seeing Grey out and about around the house.  Well we were very busy this morning.  I went to the Y for 6am, came home, and then Grey and I headed outside to wash my car.  Then Nate joined in to help.  We cleaned both vehicles, watered all vegetables (Nate is doing a little garden -I will keep you posted on that as well) and flowers, ran to Target for various odds and ends, and then it was tubby time for Grey, and down for a nap before our party this afternoon at Uncle Mike's and Aunt Kathy's.  So we had a very busy morning to say the least.  I never even changed Grey out of his PJ's so this is what he looked like on the street today!  lol!

It was actually hot and his cheeks get sooooooooooo RED so we took his shirt off.

cell phone and a set of keys and he's good to go

Look at that get-up...

He was heading to the neighbor's doorstep....Lena and Leo - they are the sweetest little couple.

Heading up to knock on their say good morning!  Is this some sunshine to open your door to or what?!

Then I told him he better never know with elderly people sometimes

so it was onto the hose again

a cute little worker indeed and of course always stylin' (insert sarcasm here)