
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Aunt Alicia

I feel pretty lucky to be the aunt of this little dolly!  Even though they don't live nearby we sure cherish every moment when they are here!  My brother Adam and his wife Georgia came and visited this past weekend!  They had a beautiful baby girl in November....Jayne Ann!  So, of course I did a photo shoot of the kiddos!  Here are the pics from Saturday night!  We sure had a busy day Saturday!

Big smiles.....look at the wonderment in that face!  (Is that a word?)

Grammy Ann is always in heaven when all of her kiddos are around....

Livy and Jayne just chillin' on the deck

We tried to get Grey in some but it was really hard to get him to sit

It's life's "little" moments that make it all worthwhile!

Kids are just funny....aren't they?!  We tried to "hold" Grey off for as long as we could with Auntie Amy's watch...

I caught him daydreaming;)

Three innocent, beautiful, and oh so pure little lucky am I to call one my son, one my cousin, and one my is sweet!

She's just an angel baby!

Liv and Grey are the best buds...

and to end the night we tried Jayne out in the Johnny Jump Up.....she sure likes that thing...

"I brought children into this dark world because it needed the light that only a child can bring."

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