
Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Spoon

Don't know how else to say this so I'll just come right out with it.....I have been letting my kid eat with his hands for 18 months now, so I think it's time we start with a spoon, don't you think?  I know it's probably bad, however Dr. Running said it wasn't a big deal and just to start giving him his "utensils" when he eats...It's not that he hasn't had his own silverware sitting in our silverware drawer and it's not that he's wasn't interested in using was my fault so now we are full force with using silverware and he is doing pretty good...We practiced with some corn the other night.  Probably not the best choice, but that's what was on the menu, along with roasted chicken, and some cantaloupe.

Playing with it a bit.

Oops, bailed out for one bite

I think he got it this!

Cheeeeese in between "spoon"fuls can have this back now...

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