Well, not really but sort of! Mother's Day started off with visiting grammy Deb! Uncle Just was getting home from Hawaii so they had to pick him up from the airport so we snuck in our visit with grammy pretty early. She greeted us with some yummy cinnamon rolls and Grey gave her his gifts! Then it was home to take a tubby and a nap before we had to be at Verruchi's with my mom and family. Brunch was goooooood and then it was back to grammy Ann's to open some gifts from Grey!
Reading her card...
Mom and her baby
Livy and Ebby
Grey ended up getting grammy Ann a very cute/stylish new purse, a pair of flip flops, and a new silver bracelet. He thought it was the least he could do since the woman watches him ...oh I don't know -5 days a week! We also got our wonderful Grandma Joyce a new top too because she does so much for ALL of us...

Then since the Ernat's were in Chi-town we were in charge of the dogs. So, Nate, Grey, Livy, and I headed over to Oglesby to take the dogs for a walk, while Aunt Amy and grammy Ann headed to Senica to get flowers! Sidenote: It's my mother's passion to plant flowers....she LOVES her flower garden - I will have to take some pics of it this summer when it is in full bloom....Mother's Day is always her weekend to get her flowers in and that's just what she did....
Trying to get a picture with my baby but he was not cooperating...
He wanted to get in the boat....
Livy wanted to show me a pretty yellow flower
Givin' Murphy some love
Then it was onto our walk with the dogs and to the park
Mommy and Grey slide fun

Sorry...some of these are out of order....(this was still at my moms...I tried to do the best with some editing....I learned my lesson with taking pictures in the sun....)
All three of them went down the slide together...
Livy had something on her hand...not sure what
Fun on the swings...

Fittingly, Mother's Day was a beautiful day! After the park we dropped Livy off, Nate headed to sidetracks just for a bit (after I told him to), and I actually took a nap with Grey. I think the fresh air wore me out. I was so tired when we got home. Then to end the night Nate went and got me the movie......New Moon! I know, I'm kinda into the Twilight series...I was a little leary of the whole vampire thing at first but the books have been really good. The Twilight movie did NOT compare to the book....thank goodness I read the book first, but I have heard the NEw moon movie is much better! I have yet to watch it though, but as soon as I do I will be sure to let you know. Any Twilight readers out there??? What do you think about the whole series? Nate says I should watch that True Blood series, but I have yet to do that either...Well now that I went off on a whole vampire "sidenote" I will end it there.....
I hope all of you moms had a wonderful Mother's Day!
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