But this time it was our duty to feed the fish and Grey did a pretty good job! Check it out for yourself. I took these this morning. Once again I was playing with the settings on my camera.....I don't like using the flash so I look for the best light in the house and then if it's too dark I have been bumping up my ISO - I kow listen to me....I am trying to keep up on my reading with photography...argghhh- there is so much to learn!
Here is a "motion" one for you....check out that head
and then just the bed-head
We keep the fish food in the entertainment center...it's just easy because it's right by the fish tank and of course Grey knows where EVERYTHING is so here he is getting it out...
Look, he can even do it with his eyes closed
The only problem is that when you tell Grey it's time to feed the fish he thinks he needs to get ALL our fish tank supplies out...see this bottle is NOT fish food
So I handed him the right stuff and I let him pour it in which Nate does NOT let him do but now is gonna see on our blog how mommy lets Grey feed the fish...hah! Needless to say the fish got LOTS to eat today
and then when Grey is done he usually puts the fish supplies in the VCR/DVD player...I know nice huh?
The rest of these are just from this morning and reading some books
This is Grey in motion coming to "GET" me

Oh and just so i don't forget to write this down for myself...Grey went for his 18 month wellness check and is doing Great! He is 34in long (still 90th percent for height) and 24lbs for weight! He is not gaining any weight these days because he is sooooooooooooooooo unbelievably busy, but Dr. Running said that is totally normal! So, life with our 18 month old is going great!
I'm with you on the flash and I only have a few good spots in my house with decent natural light. A fishing trip!...on Mother's Day weekend...can you say super wife AND super mom!