
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

26 weeks

How far along?  26 weeks and 3 days

Baby Size?  14 in.  The size of a hothouse cucumber.  Baby Ernat weighs about 1.75lbs.  By now, my baby's brain and lungs are much more developed.  Now Baby Ernat can detect light and dark through the optic nerve and can hear outside voices and not just my rumbling tummy.

Sleep?  Tossing and Turning and of course bathroom breaks

Best moment this week?  All the parties Baby Ernat is having in my tummy and hearing the heartbeat on Monday (3/28/11), which was 158.  My blood pressure was 108/60.

Food Cravings?  Nothing really.  But I am still eating a lot of hard boiled eggs for snacks.

What I am looking forward to? Meeting this baby even though we still have 3 more months to go. 12 weeks but then again that's not too far off from now.

Gender?  Well, today I think it's a girl just because I keep thinking that the heart rate was so high.  Greyson's was never over 150.  But, still don't really have a clue.  Just want a healthy, plump...BABY!

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Heartburn and some nose bleeds from time to time.  Still can't complain.

Belly Button?  I still have an innie, but it might be popping out just a little.  With Grey I had a full on innie the entire time. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Buddy Boy and updates

Well for starters, Greyson is FINALLY back to his sweet self.  I am telling you whatever he had was one NASTY bug. 

Greyson still goes to school 2 days a week with Miss Sue at Oglesby.  Yesterday they had a screening for infants and toddlers.  Grey was tested but he was SO SHY with the lady.  He had to do things like his animal sounds, build a tower, put cheerios in a tiny jar and dump them out, name different animals and so on.  My mom had me laughing because I guess he called the dog a wolf because it really looked like a wolf.  Here's me - now mom it wasn't like a wiener dog that he was calling a wolf was it? hah!  But actually my mom said it really looked like a wolf more than a dog.  And he called the bird with big wings an eagle.  So go Grey!  Like I was saying though he was really shy so he was pretty much whispering to the lady that was testing him and he still tested really really good.  He can sing his ABC's and he can count, but of course he would not do that at all.  He also knows his shapes but he was not asked about those.  My mom also had me laughing because as they were leaving my mom says have a nice day and then Grey goes "have a nice day"....the lady was like I knew he could!

On another note, now Nate has not been feeling good.  I think he caught whatever bug Grey had so he has been laying low.

As for me I went for my check up yesterday with Baby Ernat and everything seems to be going good.  The heartbeat yesterday was 158.  I am hearing from people more and more that they think it's a girl, but I still don't have a gut feeling on this one.

Here are some pics of Greyson and his sweet ol' self last night before bed time!

He's my lovie!

Monday, March 28, 2011

"Pregnantest", "Pregnanter", "Pregnant"

Saturday we headed to Edwardsville for my cousin Sarah's baby shower....We were the 3 pregos at the party.  Sarah is my dad's sister Melanie's daughter.  Emily is married to Sarah's brother -my cousin Eric - (okay now that we've got that out of the way.....)

    Sarah                           Emily (my cousin in-law)       me (26weeks)

It was fun seeing all my cousins who I never get to see.  And can you see the white background out the window?  It was SNOWING.....couldn't believe it!  Here we were down 3 hours South of us and it was snowing at the end of March...never fails...

Anyways, Sarah is due at the end of May...Emily is due around June 20th...and well for me I'm the very end of we had to get our pics taken...Grammy Ann was especially in charge of these photos because if it wasn't for her they would have never been taken...
It's always fun to see the progress!

Oh and by the way I think we are finally back up and running.  We bought a computer.  I can't believe we waited this long.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Under the Weather

We have been under the weather for about the last week, but we are headed uphill....Thank goodness.  Starting last Thursday, Greyson started with a runny nose and cough.  I knew he wasn't feeling very good and then it turned to diarrhea and a low grade fever on Sunday.  The loose stools just ended yesterday on Wednesday. His poor little bottom has been so sore.

Nate and I both took off the beginning of the week because it was so bad.  After each bowel movement I would just put Grey in the shower because that's the only thing that felt good to him.  After about 3 days of it I finally called the doctor because I was getting scared.  Scared of dehydration and he was not eating much at all, but he was drinking which I new was good.  They told me we were doing everything we were supposed to be doing and his fever had stopped on Monday which was good.  We were giving him watered down 7up and gatorade.  I was trying the BRAT diet but he wasn't much for anything.  So, he has been in love with popscicles.  Hey I didn't care just as long as it was something.  He's only 28lbs and he's tall.  He looks so skinny to me right now and you can feel all his little ribs when you pick him up.  The diarrhea finally stopped last night, at least I hope so.  He has not had any today, but his bottom is still red but we are taking care of it.  He is also starting to get back to his sweet little self.  His eyes were just not the same until today.  There is nothing worse than a sick little baby and he has really had a bug.

This has been our week together.  Not what you want, but I'm just glad he's better.

And this is him today (pics taken with my phone)...diving in to a tootsie roll...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A little Get-Together

Saturday night we headed over to Grammy Ann's!  We were having a little get-together in honor of St. Patrick's day.  We would have done it the weekend before like we usually do, but we were in St. Louis.  We had a delicious Irish meal.

So, just another reason to get my little buddy boy all dolled up on a Saturday night.

He was showing me his truck

Greyson and his cousins

Apparently he had something in his tooth.

I think he got it...

Aunt Amy brought the rainbow, but unfortunately the pot of gold was nowhere in sight...

and she also brought the Green River...Grey kept saying..."mommy I want more of that river."

Cheer's to the Irish!  Mary is a WHOLE lot of IRISH!

Baby Ernat and I enjoyed a little bit of that rainbow...It was sure good!  Homemade frosting and everything.

Livy liked them too.  She helped make them...

The hostess and her grandbaby...

Greyson has been on another anit-eating kick so he settled for an orange towards the end of the night.

Auntie Kathy and Greyson

Auntie Kathy, Mary Rose, and Greyson

Grey was double fisting with that Green River...

And Mary, well she's had on this tattoo for about a week!  They are having trouble getting it off...

Monday, March 21, 2011

25 weeks Prego

Not my best angle, but here is Baby, Grey, and I at 25 weeks.....

How far along?  25 weeks and 1 day

Baby Size? 
Baby Ernat is working diligently on putting on weight during pregnancy week 25 and weighs about 1.5 pounds.  About the size of an average rutabaga-(Whatever that is...) 

About the time you approach 25 weeks pregnant your baby's spine starts to mature and blood vessels form in the lungs. If you were to peak inside at your baby you would also find her nostrils developing by pregnancy week 25. By the end of 25 weeks pregnant they will even open!

Sleep?  Not so much.  I toss and turn all night long and get up to go potty.

Best moment this week?  All the parties Baby Ernat is having in my tummy.  And rocking Greyson to sleep at night.  I tell him mommy gets to rock her two babies now.

Food Cravings?  Nothing really.  Everything still tastes good.

What I am looking forward to?  Meeting this baby even though we still have 3 more months to go.  12 weeks but then again that's not too far off from now.

Gender?  Nope not this time.  But I am tempted to pee on some Drano.  I've heard that can really tell you...

Pregnancy symptoms?  Still some bloody noses and not sleeping so great and of course heart burn!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Nothin' like a little Park Therapy

Saturday mornings are spent cleaning for me....dust the furniture, vaccuum, clean the floors, stamp out the rugs, clean the kitchen, do the know the drill.....Well today I just couldn't keep up and so declared yet another park kind of morning.....

Just another one of those feelings that I know my house will still be there and my cleaning will still need to get done and eventually it will, but for that moment I needed to be with my little and out in the fresh air taking in more of those special moments.  Grey and I were both still in our pajamas, but it didn't matter, we were heading to the park.  We put on our shoes, grabbed some sweatshirts, I grabbed the camera and off we went.  I did make a pit stop at the bank but then it was hi ho to the park from there.

We picked up Grey's partner in crime as well.

How do you like Grey's get-up?  His camo PJs and he told me he wanted to wear his "manny" boots today

They would run and then pretend to fall down...

Livy then showed Grey and I some of her stellar jumps

Then they spotted a squirrel....You'd think they never saw one before...It must have been a long winter...

And so now, I'm back at home, Greyson is napping, the baby is currently having a party in my tummy, and I will finish my cleaning.  See, I told you it would get done.  So glad I got my park therapy today.