
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Another Park Day

But this time we were in St. Louis and Grey was able to run around with his cousins. 

Sunday was a little chilly, but the kids needed to get out and run around.  So we went out for breakfast, did a little shopping, and then hit up the park.  At about 3:00 it was time to head home back to Illinois and with the time change we had some tired kiddos on our hands.  But, we made it with the help of food, ipods, and DVD players....

First it was the slide....Jayne was trying to walk up the slide

Livy Lou

and Grey was as happy as a clam

Fresh air just does a little good...

This is Torri -Georgia's niece....Her and Liv were good buds over the weekend.  She showed the littles how to climb the rock wall...

some more slide fun for Jayne

and climbing for Liv

Then of course it was time for the swings...

where we pushed and talked and pushed and talked until our park day was complete.

It was a nice family weekend!  So, cheers to just that!

1 comment:

  1. Awe Jayne is getting so big! I love Grey's hat, and I especially love how the pic after Grey came one of Nate. Like father like son! Good picture organizing skills :)
