
Monday, March 21, 2011

25 weeks Prego

Not my best angle, but here is Baby, Grey, and I at 25 weeks.....

How far along?  25 weeks and 1 day

Baby Size? 
Baby Ernat is working diligently on putting on weight during pregnancy week 25 and weighs about 1.5 pounds.  About the size of an average rutabaga-(Whatever that is...) 

About the time you approach 25 weeks pregnant your baby's spine starts to mature and blood vessels form in the lungs. If you were to peak inside at your baby you would also find her nostrils developing by pregnancy week 25. By the end of 25 weeks pregnant they will even open!

Sleep?  Not so much.  I toss and turn all night long and get up to go potty.

Best moment this week?  All the parties Baby Ernat is having in my tummy.  And rocking Greyson to sleep at night.  I tell him mommy gets to rock her two babies now.

Food Cravings?  Nothing really.  Everything still tastes good.

What I am looking forward to?  Meeting this baby even though we still have 3 more months to go.  12 weeks but then again that's not too far off from now.

Gender?  Nope not this time.  But I am tempted to pee on some Drano.  I've heard that can really tell you...

Pregnancy symptoms?  Still some bloody noses and not sleeping so great and of course heart burn!