
Friday, March 4, 2011

Just out on a whim....

For starters, I'm very surprised I made it out of my house this morning.  Greyson did not want to get dressed.  I mean if I would have let him go to grammy Ann's naked - HE WOULD HAVE!

And I'm sorry I know I've told you this in every post this week - but I still don't have my computer - OBVIOUSLY we took it to the WRONG place!

After getting to my mom's late this morning and telling her about our morning, I've got my parents buying me diapers today - SCORE even though it's time to give it up!

Papa Mike took the day off today to be with Grey.  The minute Grey walked in he got a big ol' grin on his face and told grammy Ann - "turn on the music" - and he started putting his finger in the air-hah!  Apparently he moves just like Miss Sue.  So as I was all stressed out this am - My mom, dad, and Greyson were having a dance party in the kitchen.

On a side note - I can't believe my dad - WHO WORKS 7 DAYS A WEEK AT CATERPILLAR took a day great for him and his grandbaby!  I think after being with the same company for WELL over 30 years - he's entitled a day off - don't ya think?!

I could barely do my workout this morning.  The am news was just not cutting it.  So after 25 minutes of the elliptical - I decided some stretching was in order.

I also decided that I was running late for work today, so why not stop for a coffee too.  It tasted pretty good being I never have coffee in the morning.  But - it was Friday and I needed it - eh?

I am a little nervous about this big ultrasound coming up on Monday.  You know you hope and pray everything is good and growing the way it should be.  I am in my 6th month - CRAZY!

I can't believe I will have another baby this summer.  Still can't quite grasp that.  But I better grasp it because it will be here in no time.

My brother aka Uncle Alex is subbing today for the first time and it's first grade!  I think I asked my mom what he wore...and she reassured me he wore khacki pants and TENNIS SHOES - thank goodness-lol!  I can't wait to hear how it went.


  1. I don't know what I'd do without my computer - hope yours gets fixed soon!

    Good luck at your ultrasound this Monday. How exciting to see that sweet baby! :)

  2. can't wait to hear about the u/s!!! everything will be great!

    wth time do you wake up in the morning where you have time to do all that?!!! helk yea you deserved coffee!
