
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

26 weeks

How far along?  26 weeks and 3 days

Baby Size?  14 in.  The size of a hothouse cucumber.  Baby Ernat weighs about 1.75lbs.  By now, my baby's brain and lungs are much more developed.  Now Baby Ernat can detect light and dark through the optic nerve and can hear outside voices and not just my rumbling tummy.

Sleep?  Tossing and Turning and of course bathroom breaks

Best moment this week?  All the parties Baby Ernat is having in my tummy and hearing the heartbeat on Monday (3/28/11), which was 158.  My blood pressure was 108/60.

Food Cravings?  Nothing really.  But I am still eating a lot of hard boiled eggs for snacks.

What I am looking forward to? Meeting this baby even though we still have 3 more months to go. 12 weeks but then again that's not too far off from now.

Gender?  Well, today I think it's a girl just because I keep thinking that the heart rate was so high.  Greyson's was never over 150.  But, still don't really have a clue.  Just want a healthy, plump...BABY!

Pregnancy Symptoms?  Heartburn and some nose bleeds from time to time.  Still can't complain.

Belly Button?  I still have an innie, but it might be popping out just a little.  With Grey I had a full on innie the entire time.